// IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.cpp : 定义控制台应用程序的入口点。
// Example program for connecting to a scanner and receiving its scans
#include “stdafx.h“
// #include // needed for AlascaXT laserscanner
// #include // needed for AlascaXT
// Define an EventMonitor object for thread synchronization
ibeo::EventMonitor g_events;
// Define the events used for synchronization
const ibeo::EventMonitor::Mask g_newScanDataEvent = g_events.newEvent();
const ibeo::EventMonitor::Mask g_cancelEvent = g_events.newEvent();
// Global thread-safe Scan buffer with associated mutex
typedef ibeo::Mutexed MutexedScan;
static MutexedScan g_scan;
// The message handler receives messages from the serializer of the IbeoAPI
bool messageHandler (const Serializable& msg UINT8 fromDeviceID)
// Here we are running in the thread context of the IbeoLUX
// receiver thread but not in the main thread. Therefore we
// will communicate with main() using events through the
// EventMonitor object.
switch (msg.getDataType())
case ibeo::DataTypeScanPointList:
const Scan& original_scan = dynamic_cast(msg);
// Copy the received scan to the thread-safe local buffer
bool copiedSuccessfully = g_scan.tryCopy (original_scan);
if (copiedSuccessfully)
// Received scan was copied to local buffer hence
// signal this arrival to the main thread.
g_events.signal (g_newScanDataEvent);
std::cout << “Scan buffer locked - cannot copy Laserscanner‘s Scan to buffer skipping this Scan.“ << std::endl;
// Ignore all other data types
// Return true as long as we want to receive messages from the serializer.
return true;
// Do something with the scan as an example here
bool processScan()
// Lock the scan buffer to synchronize the access.
MutexedScan::scoped_try_lock criticalSection (g_scan.mutex);
bool lockObtained = criticalSection; // true if we acquired the lock
// This is the simplest case which works if we can be sure always
// that our processScan() method is finished before the next
// messageHandler() call might occur. If this is not the case
// another buffer policy (double-buffering or a ring buffer) might
// be more appropriate.
if (lockObtained)
// Local buffer has been locked hence it can be accessed now.
const Scan& scan = g_scan.data;
std::cout << “Scan “ << scan.getScanNumber()
<< “ received “ << scan.getNumPoints() << “ points“;
if (scan.getNumPoints() > 0)
const ScanPoint& p = scan.getPoint(
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目录 0 2013-04-01 23:33 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\
目录 0 2013-04-24 21:20 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\Debug\
文件 10914816 2013-04-24 21:20 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\Debug\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.pdb
目录 0 2013-04-01 23:35 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\
文件 20810752 2013-04-24 21:26 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.ncb
文件 959 2012-05-16 17:04 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.sln
文件 19456 2013-04-24 21:26 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.suo
目录 0 2013-04-24 21:20 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Debug\
文件 19686 2013-04-24 21:20 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Debug\BuildLog.htm
文件 915 2012-05-16 17:15 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Debug\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.exe.em
文件 980 2012-05-16 17:15 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Debug\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.exe.em
文件 621 2013-04-24 21:20 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Debug\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.exe.intermediate.manifest
文件 1162621 2012-05-16 17:14 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Debug\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.obj
文件 3211264 2012-05-16 17:12 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Debug\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.pch
文件 67 2012-05-16 17:15 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Debug\mt.dep
文件 13417 2012-05-16 17:12 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Debug\stdafx.obj
文件 2460672 2012-05-16 17:14 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Debug\vc90.idb
文件 1773568 2012-05-16 17:14 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Debug\vc90.pdb
文件 7826 2012-05-16 17:14 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.cpp
文件 5178 2013-04-02 18:49 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.vcproj
文件 1435 2013-04-24 21:26 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.vcproj.20110624-1441.Administrator.user
文件 1474 2013-03-27 13:24 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.vcproj.Z3ORWGDQNJBOKCB.Administrator.user
文件 1327 2012-05-16 17:04 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\ReadMe.txt
目录 0 2013-04-02 18:49 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Release\
文件 10360 2013-04-02 18:49 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Release\BuildLog.htm
文件 616 2013-04-02 18:49 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Release\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.exe.intermediate.manifest
文件 3276092 2013-04-02 18:49 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Release\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.obj
文件 3211264 2013-04-02 18:49 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Release\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序.pch
文件 67 2013-04-02 18:49 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Release\mt.dep
文件 37974 2013-04-02 18:49 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Release\stdafx.obj
文件 1051648 2013-04-02 18:49 IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序(线程安全版)\IbeoLUX雷达数据采集程序\Release\vc90.idb
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