fo test
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 Google Inc. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
__doc__ = “““
gyptest.py -- test runner for GYP tests.
import os
import optparse
import subprocess
import sys
class CommandRunner(object):
Executor class for commands including “commands“ implemented by
Python functions.
verbose = True
active = True
def __init__(self dictionary={}):
def subst_dictionary(self dictionary):
self._subst_dictionary = dictionary
def subst(self string dictionary=None):
Substitutes (via the format operator) the values in the specified
dictionary into the specified command.
The command can be an (action string) tuple. In all cases we
perform substitution on strings and don‘t worry if something isn‘t
a string. (It‘s probably a Python function to be executed.)
if dictionary is None:
dictionary = self._subst_dictionary
if dictionary:
string = string % dictionary
except TypeError:
return string
def display(self command stdout=None stderr=None):
if not self.verbose:
if type(command) == type(()):
func = command[0]
args = command[1:]
s = ‘%s(%s)‘ % (func.__name__ ‘ ‘.join(map(repr args)))
if type(command) == type([]):
# TODO: quote arguments containing spaces
# TODO: handle meta characters?
s = ‘ ‘.join(command)
s = self.subst(command)
if not s.endswith(‘\n‘):
s += ‘\n‘
def execute(self command stdout=None stderr=None):
Executes a single command.
if not self.active:
return 0
if type(command) == type(‘‘):
command = self.subst(command)
cmdargs = shlex.split(command)
if cmdargs[0] == ‘cd‘:
command = (os.chdir) + tuple(cmdargs[1:])
if type(command) == type(()):
func = command[0]
args = command[1:]
return func(*args)
if stdout is sys.stdout:
# Same as passing sys.stdout except python2.4 doesn‘t fail on it.
subout = None
# Open pipe for anything else so Popen works on python2.4.
subout = subprocess.PIPE
if stderr is sys.stderr:
# Same as passing sys.stderr except python2.4 doesn‘t fail on it.
suberr = None
elif stderr is None:
# Merge with stdout if stderr isn‘t specified.
suberr = subprocess.STDOUT
# Open pipe for anything else so Popen works on python2.4.
suberr = subprocess.PIPE
p = subprocess.Popen(command
shell=(sys.platform == ‘win32‘)
if stdout is None:
self.stdout = p
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