Nmap (“Network Mapper(网络映射器)”) 是一款开放源代码的 网络探测和安全审核的工具。它的设计目标是快速地扫描大型网络,当然用它扫描单个 主机也没有问题。Nmap以新颖的方式使用原始IP报文来发现网络上有哪些主机,那些 主机提供什么服务(应用程序名和版本),那些服务运行在什么操作系统(包括版本信息), 它们使用什么类型的报文过滤器/防火墙,以及一堆其它功能。虽然Nmap通常用于安全审核, 许多系统管理员和网络管理员也用它来做一些日常的工作,比如查看整个网络的信息, 管理服务升级计划,以及监视主机和服务的运行。
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Ndiff
# This programs reads two Nmap xml files and displays a list of their
# differences.
# Copyright 2008 Insecure.Com LLC
# Ndiff is distributed under the same license as Nmap. See the file COPYING or
# https://nmap.org/data/COPYING. See https://nmap.org/book/man-legal.html for
# more details.
# David Fifield
# based on a design by Michael Pattrick
import datetime
import difflib
import getopt
import sys
import time
# Prevent loading Pyxml
import xml
xml.__path__ = [x for x in xml.__path__ if “_xmlplus“ not in x]
import xml.sax
import xml.sax.saxutils
import xml.dom.minidom
from StringIO import StringIO
verbose = False
NDIFF_xml_VERSION = u“1“
class OverrideEntityResolver(xml.sax.handler.EntityResolver):
“““This class overrides the default behavior of xml.sax to download
remote DTDs instead returning blank strings“““
empty = StringIO()
def resolveEntity(self publicId systemId):
return OverrideEntityResolver.empty
class Scan(object):
“““A single Nmap scan corresponding to a single invocation of Nmap. It is
a container for a list of hosts. It also has utility methods to load itself
from an Nmap xml file.“““
def __init__(self):
self.scanner = None
self.version = None
self.args = None
self.start_date = None
self.end_date = None
self.hosts = []
self.pre_script_results = []
self.post_script_results = []
def sort_hosts(self):
self.hosts.sort(key=lambda h: h.get_id())
def load(self f):
“““Load a scan from the Nmap xml in the file-like object f.“““
parser = xml.sax.make_parser()
handler = NmapContentHandler(self)
def load_from_file(self filename):
“““Load a scan from the Nmap xml file with the given filename.“““
f = open(filename “r“)
def write_nmaprun_open(self writer):
attrs = {}
if self.scanner is not None:
attrs[u“scanner“] = self.scanner
if self.args is not None:
attrs[u“args“] = self.args
if self.start_date is not None:
attrs[u“start“] = “%d“ % time.mktime(self.start_date.timetuple())
attrs[u“startstr“] = self.start_date.strftime(
“%a %b %d %H:%M:%S %Y“)
if self.version is not None:
attrs[u“version“] = self.version
writer.startElement(u“nmaprun“ attrs)
def write_nmaprun_close(self writer):
def nmaprun_to_dom_fragment(self document):
frag = document.createDocumentFragment()
elem = document.createElement(u“nmaprun“)
if self.scanner is not None:
elem.setAttribute(u“scanner“ self.scanner)
if self.args is not None:
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\
文件 71217 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\3rd-party-licenses.txt
文件 258424 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\ca-bundle.crt
文件 667321 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\CHANGELOG
文件 27382 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\COPYING
文件 1261056 2015-12-08 19:04 nmap-7.01\libeay32.dll
目录 0 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\licenses\
文件 1465 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\licenses\BSD-simplified
文件 25292 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\licenses\LGPL-2
文件 26440 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\licenses\LGPL-2.1
文件 1065 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\licenses\MIT
文件 25755 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\licenses\MPL-1.1
文件 6279 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\licenses\OpenSSL.txt
文件 385024 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\ncat.exe
文件 1021 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\ndiff.bat
文件 54701 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\ndiff.py
文件 524541 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nmap-mac-prefixes
文件 4443764 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nmap-os-db
文件 13322 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nmap-payloads
文件 6703 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nmap-protocols
文件 49657 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nmap-rpc
文件 2088386 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nmap-service-probes
文件 623406 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nmap-services
文件 2138624 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nmap-update.exe
文件 2564608 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nmap.exe
文件 31936 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nmap.xsl
文件 192 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nmap_performance.reg
文件 318464 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nping.exe
目录 0 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nselib\
文件 74152 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nselib\afp.lua
文件 17102 2015-12-09 20:10 nmap-7.01\nselib\ajp.lua
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