GPU精粹第三版 计算机图形学经典书,学习GPU编程必备
This third volume of the best-selling GPU Gems series provides a snapshot of today's latest Graphics Processing Unit (GPU) programming techniques. The programmability of modern GPUs allows developers to not only distinguish themselves from one another but also to use this awesome processing power for non-graphics applications, such as physics simulation, financial analysis, and even virus detection—particularly with the CUDA architecture. Graphics remains the leading application for GPUs, and readers will find that the latest algorithms create ultra-realistic characters, better lighting, and post-rendering compositing effects.
Major topics include
Light and Shadows
Image Effects
Physics Simulation
GPU Computing
- 上一篇:ISIS Desktop 2.5 SP2
- 下一篇:软件测试 Ron Patton
- rubygems-2.6.11.tgz
- x264源码及其配置文件,用于配置树莓
- IBM SPSS数据分析与挖掘实战案例精粹
- Excel图表实战技巧精粹
- 《Excel实战技巧精粹》文件 光盘文件
- 论文研究 - 采用多GPU计算的陡峭三维
- 利用GPU破解rar密码工具
- 中文版Photoshop CS5技法精粹:以假乱真
- GPU精粹1-中文版.pdf《GPU精粹:实时图形
- eetop.cn_OpenCL.Parallel Computing on the GPU
- GPU+编程与CG+语言之阳春白雪下里巴人
- MD5GPU.rar
- Lua Programming Gems 英文版 pdf,高清
- 计算机科学精粹
- Lua Programming Gems 高清书签
- 数据融合代码-ESTARFM
- Graphics Gems图形图像编程精粹所有源代
- GPU高性能运算之CUDA源代码
- win10 vs2015 编译nms和gpunms
- GPU结构概述
- 数学分析解题精粹钱吉林
- GPU编程与CG语言之阳春白雪下里巴人
- NVIDIA GPU Computing SDK
- 《GPU高性能计算之CUDA》书中源代码
- 基于D3D的YV12视频渲染 更新
- applied geostatistics with SGeMS
- _CPU_GPU协同并行计算研究综述_cuda_op
- GPU编程与CG语言之阳春白雪下里巴人
- 计算机科学精粹.zip
- Excel2013实战技巧精粹_ExcelHome编著.pd
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