
ite6801 驱动源码和 Programming 手册,The serial programming output ports are not real open-drain drivers. Sink current is guaranteed by I/O design under the condition of driving the output pin with 0.2V. In a real I 2 C environment, multiple devices and pull-up resistors could be present on the same bus, re


#include “Mhlrx_reg.h“

#define ii2_save_addrs 0x0706
#define reg_width 0x0709
#define data_width 0x070a
#define MHL_ADDR  0xe0
#define DeltaNum  1
#define RCLKFreqSel  1
#define GenPktRecType  0x81
#define B_CTS_RES  0x70
#define B_HBRSel   0x40
#define B_VIOSel 0x40
#define B_TriVDIO 0x0e
#define B_TriSYNC 0x01
#define DEFAULT_EQVALUE 0x1f
#define B_PORT_SEL      0x01

#if 0
char it6801_table[][3] = 
{REG_RX_00F 0x03 0x00} //change bank 0
{REG_RX_010 0xFF 0x08} //[3]1: Register reset
{REG_RX_00F 0x03 0x00} //change bank 0
{REG_RX_034 0xFF MHL_ADDR+0x01} //I2C Slave Addresss for MHL block

{REG_RX_010 0xFF 0x17} //[4]Auto Video Reset [2]Int Reset [1]Audio Reset [0]Video Reset

 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
     目录           0  2017-09-05 14:13  ite6801\
     文件       16066  2017-07-26 10:28  ite6801\it6801.c
     文件     1102406  2017-06-23 13:32  ite6801\IT6801FN Datasheet v0.96.pdf
     文件     1275930  2017-06-29 17:20  ite6801\IT6802 Programming Guide (ITE).pdf


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