/* example-isl.c */
/* Input problem */
int nb_parameters = 1;
char *parameter_name[] = {“N“};
char *iterator_name[] = {“i“ “j“};
char *scattering_name[] = {“t0“ “t1“ “t2“};
char *str_context = “[N] -> { : N > 0}“;
char *str_domain1 = “[N] -> {[i j] : 0 <= i < N and 0 <= j < N}“;
char *str_domain2 = “[N] -> {[i j] : 0 <= i < N and 0 <= j < N}“;
char *str_scattering1 = “[N] -> {[i j] -> [0 i + j j]}“;
char *str_scattering2 = “[N] -> {[i j] -> [1 i -j]}“;
int main() {
isl_ctx *ctx;
isl_set *set_context *set1 *set2;
isl_map *map1 *map2;
CloogDomain *context *domain1 *domain2;
CloogScattering *scattering1 *scattering2;
CloogUnionDomain *domains;
CloogInput *input;
CloogState *state;
CloogOptions *options;
struct clast_stmt *root;
/* Build isl structures for context sets and mapping */
ctx = isl_ctx_alloc();
set_context = isl_set_read_from_str(ctx str_context);
set1 = isl_set_read_from_str(ctx str_domain1);
set2 = isl_set_read_from_str(ctx str_domain2);
map1 = isl_map_read_from_str(ctx str_scattering1);
map2 = isl_map_read_from_str(ctx str_scattering2);
/* Translate them to CLooG context domains and scattering */
context = cloog_domain_from_isl_set(set_context);
domain1 = cloog_domain_from_isl_set(set1);
domain2 = cloog_domain_from_isl_set(set2);
scattering1 = cloog_scattering_from_isl_map(map1);
scattering2 = cloog_scattering_from_isl_map(map2);
/* Prepare the list of domains to scan */
domains = cloog_union_domain_alloc(nb_parameters);
cloog_union_domain_add_domain(domains “S1“ domain1 scattering1 NULL);
cloog_union_domain_add_domain(domains “S2“ domain2 scattering2 NULL);
cloog_union_domain_set_name(domains CLOOG_PARAM 0 parameter_name[0]);
cloog_union_domain_set_name(domains CLOOG_ITER 0 iterator_name[0]);
cloog_union_domain_set_name(domains CLOOG_ITER 1 iterator_name[1]);
cloog_union_domain_set_name(domains CLOOG_SCAT 0 scattering_name[0]);
cloog_union_domain_set_name(domains CLOOG_SCAT 1 scattering_name[1]);
cloog_union_domain_set_name(domains CLOOG_SCAT 2 scattering_name[2]);
/* Build the input generate the AST of the scanning code and print it */
input = cloog_input_alloc(context domains);
state = cloog_isl_state_malloc(ctx);
options = cloog_options_malloc(state);
root = cloog_clast_create_from_input(input options);
clast_pprint(stdout root 0 options);
/* Recycle allocated memory */
- 上一篇:STM32开发板上实现实时的时钟显示
- 下一篇:电子商务各个流程和说明
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