mtk 平台download 工具源代码,包括手机端agent source code
* Copyright Statement:
* --------------------
* This software is protected by Copyright and the information contained
* herein is confidential. The software may not be copied and the information
* contained herein may not be used or disclosed except with the written
* permission of MediaTek Inc. (C) 2002
* Filename:
* ---------
* about.cpp
* Project:
* --------
* Flash tool set
* Description:
* ------------
* about window display version build date support feature.
* Author:
* -------
* FZ Hsu (mtk00303)
* Below this line this part is controlled by PVCS VM. DO NOT MODIFY!!
* $Revision: 1.2 $
* $Modtime: Oct 19 2005 11:11:50 $
* $Log: //mtkvs01/vmdata/flash_tool/archives/about.cpp-arc $
* Aug 7 2008 MTK01952
* [STP100001779] [FlashTool] v3.0828.00
* New features:
* 1. Add the backup and restore functinality
* Sep 27 2006 mtk00539
* [STP100001145] FlashTool v3.1.01 release
* Aug 16 2006 mtk00539
* [STP100001057] FlashTool v3.1.00 release
* Display build date
* Rev 1.2 Oct 19 2005 14:47:14 mtk00539
* 1. [FlashTool][New] Adapt new BROM_DLL&DA v2.7.1008.
* Resolution for 141: [FlashTool v2.7.1008][New] Support NFB download and many new features.
* Rev 1.1 Jun 30 2003 19:19:34 mtk00539
* 1. [FlashTool][Add Features] Split flashtool function into brom.dll
* 2. [FlashTool][Add Features] Format function: users can format any range you want without downloading procedure.
* 3. [FlashTool][Add Features] Report format percentage.
* 4. [FlashTool][Add Features] Check format range.
* 5. [FlashTool][Add Features] Merge FlashTool for Pluto version.
* 6. [FlashTool][Add Features] Runtime debug log: you can press (CTRL+ALT+T) to enable/disable debug log whenever you want.
* 7. [FlashTool][Add Features] Forcedly Stop hot-key: you can forcedly stop FlashTool by pressing CTRL+Z.
* 8. [FlashTool][BUG FIXED] Fix FlashTool MEM_CMD end_addr bug FlashTool should use (begin_addr+length-1) as end_addr.
* Resolution for 11: [FlashTool v2.3.1001][New Version] Split flashtool function into brom.dll
* Rev 1.0 Jul 20 2002 19:26:08 admin
* Initial revision.
* Upper this line this part is controlled by PVCS VM. DO NOT MODIFY!!
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2008-12-04 14:22 flash_tool\
文件 7233 2008-08-07 06:33 flash_tool\about.cpp
文件 3131 2008-09-08 09:50 flash_tool\about.dfm
文件 4936 2008-03-05 03:34 flash_tool\about.h
文件 578 2008-03-05 03:34 flash_tool\addfile.bmp
文件 578 2008-03-05 03:33 flash_tool\ARROW16.BMP
文件 14336 2008-12-04 14:14 flash_tool\brom.lib
文件 16613 2008-08-07 06:33 flash_tool\BromDLLProcAddr.cpp
文件 2928 2007-12-03 02:17 flash_tool\BromDLLProcAddr.h
文件 14794 2008-08-07 06:33 flash_tool\BromDLLWrapper.cpp
文件 5122 2007-12-03 02:17 flash_tool\BromDLLWrapper.h
文件 5427 2008-08-07 06:33 flash_tool\com_util.cpp
文件 530 2008-08-07 06:33 flash_tool\com_util.h
文件 5127 2006-09-27 15:55 flash_tool\DA_Option.cpp
文件 1673 2006-09-27 15:55 flash_tool\DA_Option.dfm
文件 3929 2006-09-27 15:55 flash_tool\DA_Option.h
文件 1368 2006-02-23 08:04 flash_tool\DL_Go.cpp
文件 999 2002-07-25 09:39 flash_tool\DL_Go.dfm
文件 1153 2002-07-25 09:45 flash_tool\DL_Go.h
文件 578 2002-04-16 05:56 flash_tool\DOWNLOAD.BMP
文件 11001 2007-12-03 07:39 flash_tool\ext_mem1.cpp
文件 10471 2008-03-11 02:31 flash_tool\ext_mem1.dfm
文件 4931 2007-12-03 07:39 flash_tool\EXT_MEM1.H
文件 9277 2008-12-01 03:47 flash_tool\Flash_tool.bpr
文件 7966 2008-09-01 03:32 flash_tool\Flash_tool.cpp
文件 6302 2007-12-03 07:39 flash_tool\Flash_tool.mak
文件 1912 2008-12-01 03:47 flash_tool\Flash_tool.res
文件 1391 2004-05-14 06:30 flash_tool\frm_BootROMStartCmdRetry.cpp
文件 1150 2004-05-14 06:24 flash_tool\frm_BootROMStartCmdRetry.dfm
文件 1106 2004-05-14 06:24 flash_tool\frm_BootROMStartCmdRetry.h
文件 3792 2004-07-19 01:45 flash_tool\frm_COM_Option.cpp
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