FEAVPV源码,伯克利大学的开源FEA学习程序-FEA FEA CPP open source learning program source code, Berkeley

/* * * F E A P * * A Finite Element Analysis Program */
/*.... Copyright (c) 1984-2017: Regents of the University of California*/
/* All rights reserved */
* Modification log Date (dd-mm-year)
* 1. Add cinput() 23-10-2017
/* Purpose: FEAP driver for X windows Version 11 Release 6. */
/* Inputs: */
/* Outputs: */
/* Driver configuration */
/* Change 6-places for EACH */
/* Type of workstation Search */
/* for string FORTRAN to change */
/* Currently set: Underscore */
/* Version for: Underscore */
/* Version for: No Underscore */
/* HP and IBM */
/* This driver supports the traditional GIN mode i.e. point the cursor */
/* and strike a key! It also supports the use of the mouse buttons */
/* during GIN input. Below is the mouse button to “key“ relationships. */
#define BUTTON1_KEY ‘l‘
#define BUTTON2_KEY ‘m‘
#define BUTTON3_KEY ‘r‘
/* This driver has the capability to store all the lines drawn into the */
/* X Window and to use these saved lines to refresh the screen. */
/* Using this feature and the routine “gdx11_refresh_window“ should */
/* make using FEAP under X11 easier than before! */
/* If you don‘t want/need this feature or if you can‘t afford the */
/* memory usage set MAX_SEG to 1 MAX_POINTS to something around 100 */
#define MAX_POINTS 1000 /* Maximum points in all polylines stored */
#define MAX_SEG 100 /* Maximum polylines stored */
#define MAX_TEXT 100 /* Maximum 80-character text string */
#define DEBUG 0 /* 0 == No debugging. */
/* 1 == Soft X11 errors */
/* 2 == Above plus caller bugs */
/* 3 == Above plus Driver tracing messages */
/* 4 == Above plus all tracing messages */
/* Non-FEAP include files */
#include /* Unix standard I/O definitions */
#include /* Use “malloc“ “calloc“ and “free“ */
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\
目录 0 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\
文件 4841 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\bbar1s.f
文件 4726 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\bbar2m.f
文件 1275 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\bmat2d.f
文件 5929 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\convec2d.f
文件 4556 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\convec3d.f
文件 1198 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\fbar2m.f
文件 10549 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\fld2d1.f
文件 12219 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\fld2d2.f
文件 10445 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\fld3d1.f
文件 49841 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\fr
文件 20268 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\fr
文件 2979 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\gvec2d.f
文件 2916 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\iner3d.f
文件 1160 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\interp1d.f
文件 1504 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\interp2d.f
文件 3339 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\kine2d.f
文件 3221 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\kine2m.f
文件 2550 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\kine3df.f
文件 1128 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\makefile
文件 2000 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\mass1d.f
文件 2724 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\mass2d.f
文件 2300 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\mass3d.f
文件 104400 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\material.f
文件 12297 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\membr3d.f
文件 44217 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\plate2d.f
文件 2643 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\pointnd.f
文件 842 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\pushv3f.f
文件 950 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\quadr1d.f
文件 2186 2018-03-14 20:02 feappv-4.1h\elements\quadr2d.f
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