#include “arch.h“
#include “stdio.h“
#include “usart.h“
#include “i2c.h“
#include “gpio.h“
#include “main.h“
#include “board_resource.h“
#include “inv_mpu.h“
#include “inv_mpu_dmp_motion_driver.h“
#include “invensense.h“
#include “invensense_adv.h“
#include “eMPL_outputs.h“
#include “mltypes.h“
#include “mpu.h“
#include “log.h“
#include “packet.h“
/* Private typedef -----------------------------------------------------------*/
/* Data read from MPL. */
#define PRINT_ACCEL (0x01)
#define PRINT_GYRO (0x02)
#define PRINT_QUAT (0x04)
#define PRINT_COMPASS (0x08)
#define PRINT_EULER (0x10)
#define PRINT_ROT_MAT (0x20)
#define PRINT_HEADING (0x40)
#define PRINT_PEDO (0x80)
#define PRINT_LINEAR_ACCEL (0x100)
#define PRINT_GRAVITY_VECTOR (0x200)
volatile uint32_t hal_timestamp = 0;
#define ACCEL_ON (0x01)
#define GYRO_ON (0x02)
#define COMPASS_ON (0x04)
#define MOTION (0)
#define NO_MOTION (1)
/* Starting sampling rate. */
#define DEFAULT_MPU_HZ (20)
#define FLASH_SIZE (512)
#define FLASH_MEM_START ((void*)0x1800)
#define PEDO_READ_MS (1000)
#define TEMP_READ_MS (500)
#define COMPASS_READ_MS (100)
struct rx_s {
unsigned char header[3];
unsigned char cmd;
struct hal_s {
unsigned char lp_accel_mode;
unsigned char sensors;
unsigned char dmp_on;
unsigned char wait_for_tap;
volatile unsigned char new_gyro;
unsigned char motion_int_mode;
unsigned long no_dmp_hz;
unsigned long next_pedo_ms;
unsigned long next_temp_ms;
unsigned long next_compass_ms;
unsigned int report;
unsigned short dmp_features;
struct rx_s rx;
static struct hal_s hal = {0};
/* USB RX binary semaphore. Actually it‘s just a flag. Not included in struct
* because it‘s declared extern elsewhere.
volatile unsigned char rx_new;
unsigned char *mpl_key = (unsigned char*)“eMPL 5.1“;
/* Platform-specific information. Kinda like a boardfile. */
struct platform_data_s {
signed char orientation[9];
/* The sensors can be mounted onto the board in any orientation. The mounting
* matrix seen below tells the MPL how to rotate the raw data from the
* driver(s).
* TODO: The following matrices refer to the configuration on internal test
* boards at Invensense. If needed please modify the matrices to match the
* chip-to-body matrix for your particular set up.
static struct platform_data_s gyro_pdata = {
.orientation = {
1 0 0
0 1 0
0 0 1
#if defined MPU9150 || defined MPU9250
static struct platform_data_s compass_pdata = {
.orientation = {
0 1 0
1 0 0
0 0 -1
#elif defined AK8975_SECONDARY
static struct platform_data_s compass_pdata = {
.orientation = {
-1 0 0
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