大小: 1.7MB文件类型: .gz金币: 1下载: 0 次发布日期: 2023-08-31
- 语言: 其他
- 标签: putty sshwindows
* linking module for PuTTY proper: list the available backends
* including ssh.
#include “putty.h“
* This appname is not strictly in the right place since Plink
* also uses this module. However Plink doesn‘t currently use any
* of the dialog-box sorts of things that make use of appname so
* it shouldn‘t do any harm here. I‘m trying to avoid having to
* have tiny little source modules containing nothing but
* declarations of appname for as long as I can...
const char *const appname = “PuTTY“;
const int be_default_protocol = PROT_TELNET;
const int be_default_protocol = PROT_SSH;
Backend *backends[] = {
- 上一篇:8145v改华为界面补shell
- 下一篇:IBM解密24RF08全套制作资料及工具
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