• 大小: 2.33MB
    文件类型: .rar
    金币: 2
    下载: 1 次
    发布日期: 2023-09-07
  • 语言: 其他
  • 标签: 数据挖掘  


The ppt is based on Stanford Computer Science course CS246: Mining Massive Datasets (and CS345A: Data Mining). The book, like the course, is designed at the undergraduate computer science level with no formal prerequisites. To support deeper explorations, most of the chapters are supplemented with further reading references. The Mining of Massive Datasets book has been published by Cambridge University Press. You can get a 20% discount by applying the code MMDS20 at checkout. By agreement with the publisher, you can download the book for free from this page. Cambridge University Press does, however, retain copyright on the work, and we expect that you will obtain their permission and acknowledge our authorship if you republish parts or all of it.


 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
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     文件     442540  2014-01-07 12:20  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\aster-6.pdf

     文件     180224  2014-01-07 12:17  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘--mapreduce3.ppt

     文件     509440  2014-01-07 12:25  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-advertising-19.ppt

     文件     127488  2014-01-07 12:23  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-clustering-16.ppt

     文件      59904  2014-01-07 12:16  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-introduction1.ppt

     文件      60416  2014-01-07 12:23  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-map-reduce2-15.ppt

     文件     386560  2014-01-07 12:22  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-PageRank-13.ppt

     文件     593408  2014-01-07 12:26  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-RecommendationSystems-8.ppt

     文件     189440  2014-01-07 12:24  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-RelationExtraction-18.ppt

     文件      87040  2014-01-07 12:18  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-rules1-4.ppt

     文件      98304  2014-01-07 12:20  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-rules2-5.ppt

     文件    1142784  2014-01-07 12:21  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-ShareThis-7.ppt

     文件     200704  2014-01-07 12:21  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-similarity1-9.ppt

     文件      59392  2014-01-07 12:22  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-similarity2-10.ppt

     文件     107008  2014-01-07 12:23  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-similarity3-11.ppt

     文件      79360  2014-01-07 12:22  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-similarity4-12.ppt

     文件     281088  2014-01-07 12:23  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-SpamHits-14.ppt

     文件      74240  2014-01-07 12:23  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-streams1-17.ppt

     文件     103936  2014-01-07 12:24  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-streams2-20.ppt

     文件     824320  2014-03-07 11:38  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT\大数据挖掘-web mining overview2.ppt

     目录          0  2015-04-20 15:45  stanford大学大数据挖掘PPT

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