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    发布日期: 2023-09-11
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  • 标签: R  Statistics  


Contents Preface v Typographical Conventions xi 1 Introduction 1 1.1 A Quick Overview of S ....................... 3 1.2 Using S ............................... 5 1.3 An Introductory Session . . . . . ................. 6 1.4 WhatNext? ............................. 12 2 DataManipulation 13 2.1 Objects ............................... 13 2.2 Connections............................. 20 2.3 DataManipulation ......................... 27 2.4 TablesandCross-Classification................... 37 3The S Language 41 3.1 Language Layout . . ........................ 41 3.2 More on S Objects ......................... 44 3.3 ArithmeticalExpressions...................... 47 3.4 CharacterVectorOperations .................... 51 3.5 Formatting and Printing . . . . . . ................. 54 3.6 Calling Conventions for Functions ................. 55 3.7 ModelFormulae........................... 56 3.8 ControlStructures.......................... 58 3.9 ArrayandMatrixOperations.................... 60 3.10 Introduction to Classes and Methods . . . ............. 66 4 Graphics 69 4.1 GraphicsDevices .......................... 71 4.2 Basic Plotting Functions . . . . . ................. 72 viiviii Contents 4.3 EnhancingPlots........................... 77 4.4 FineControlofGraphics ...................... 82 4.5 Trellis Graphics . . . ........................ 89 5 Univariate Statistics 107 5.1 Probability Distributions . . . . . .................107 5.2 Generating Random Data . . . . . .................110 5.3 DataSummaries...........................111 5.4 ClassicalUnivariateStatistics....................115 5.5 RobustSummaries .........................119 5.6 DensityEstimation .........................126 5.7 Bootstrap and Permutation Methods . . . .............133 6 Linear StatisticalModels 139 6.1 AnAnalysisofCovarianceExample................139 6.2 ModelFormulaeandModelMatrices ...............144 6.3 Regression Diagnostics . . . . . . .................151 6.4 SafePrediction ....................



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     文件    3106351  2006-02-19 02:43  Springer_-_Modern.Applied.Statistics.With.S.Sep.2003.pdf

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