
Copyright (c) 2007 Freescale Semiconductor
Freescale Confidential Proprietary
\brief Driver for basic S12XE ADC operation
\author r66193
\version 0.1
\date May/2008
#include “mc9s12xep100.h“
#include “comdef.h“
#include “stdio.h“
#include “crg.h“
#include “xgate.h“
INT16U AtdData[16];
void InitADC(void)
DDR0AD0 = 0;
DDR1AD0 = 0; // All 16 Channels are used
ATD0CTL0 = 0x0F; // B0000_1111: multiple channel conversion (MULT=1) wraparound
// to AN0 after converting A15
ATD0CTL1 = 0xD3; // B 1101_0011:
// |--| ----
// |\|| \-: External triggger is PIT Channel1
// | ||-----: Discharge before sample
// | |------: 12bit resoltion
// |--------: External trigger
ATD0CTL2 = 0x46; // B 0100_0100
// || --|||-: Compare interrupt interrupt disable
// || \|||--: Sequence completed interrupt disable
// || ||---: External trigger mode enable
// || |----: falling edge trigger not used for PIT trigger
// ||-------: Convertion abort in STOP mode
// |--------: Fast flag clear
ATD0CTL3 = 0x80; // B 1000_0000
// |-----|--
// | \| |\-: Continue in debugger
// | | |--: FIFO mode not used
// | |-----: 16 sequence conversion
// |--------: Result right justified
ATD0CTL4 = 0x44; // B 0100_0100
// --|------
// \| \-: PSR=4 ATD clk=4M @ 40M busclk
// |------: Sample time = 8 clk
ATD0CTL5 = 0x10; // B 0001_0000
// ||| ----
// ||| \-: First channel is AN0
// |||-----: Multi channel sample mode
// ||------: Single conversion sequence
// |-------: Special channel conversion disabled
* \brief ADC single conversion SW trigger
* \param const unsigned int chan
* \return unsigned int
INT16U lle_ADC(INT8U u8ADC_chan)
ATD0CTL5_Cx = u8ADC_chan;
while(!ATD0STAT0_SCF); // Wait for end of conversion
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 229 2008-05-04 11:24 飞思卡尔小型发动机EMS源代码\Install Crankshaft Simulation Software\s12xe_12t24t\cmd\P&E_Multili
文件 77 2008-05-04 11:24 飞思卡尔小型发动机EMS源代码\Install Crankshaft Simulation Software\s12xe_12t24t\cmd\P&E_Multili
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文件 59 2008-05-04 11:24 飞思卡尔小型发动机EMS源代码\Install Crankshaft Simulation Software\s12xe_12t24t\cmd\SofTec_HCS12_Postload.cmd
文件 60 2008-05-04 11:24 飞思卡尔小型发动机EMS源代码\Install Crankshaft Simulation Software\s12xe_12t24t\cmd\SofTec_HCS12_Preload.cmd
文件 60 2008-05-04 11:24 飞思卡尔小型发动机EMS源代码\Install Crankshaft Simulation Software\s12xe_12t24t\cmd\SofTec_HCS12_Reset.cmd
文件 229 2008-05-04 11:24 飞思卡尔小型发动机EMS源代码\Install Crankshaft Simulation Software\s12xe_12t24t\cmd\SofTec_HCS12_Startup.cmd
文件 77 2008-05-04 11:24 飞思卡尔小型发动机EMS源代码\Install Crankshaft Simulation Software\s12xe_12t24t\cmd\SofTec_HCS12_Vppoff.cmd
文件 78 2008-05-04 11:24 飞思卡尔小型发动机EMS源代码\Install Crankshaft Simulation Software\s12xe_12t24t\cmd\SofTec_HCS12_Vppon.cmd
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文件 161 2004-06-15 12:43 飞思卡尔小型发动机EMS源代码\Install Crankshaft Simulation Software\s12xe_12t24t\Default.mem
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