配合教材Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning的源代码,值得收藏

% Graph Theory
% ancestors - Return the ancestors of nodes x in DAG A
% ancestralorder - Return the ancestral order or the DAG A (oldest first)
% descendents - Return the descendents of nodes x in DAG A
% children - return the children of variable x given adjacency matrix A
% edges - Return edge list from adjacency matrix A
% elimtri - Return a variable elimination sequence for a triangulated graph
% connectedComponents - Find the connected components of an adjacency matrix
% istree - Check if graph is singly-connected
% neigh - Find the neighbours of vertex v on a graph with adjacency matrix G
% noselfpath - return a path excluding self transitions
% parents - return the parents of variable x given adjacency matrix A
% spantree - Find a spanning tree from an edge list
% triangulate - Triangulate adjacency matrix A
% triangulatePorder - Triangulate adjacency matrix A according to a partial ordering
% Potential manipulation
% condpot - Return a potential conditioned on another variable
% changevar - Change variable names in a potential
% dag - Return the adjacency matrix (zeros on diagonal) for a Belief Network
% deltapot - A delta function potential
% disptable - Print the table of a potential
% divpots - Divide potential pota by potb
% drawFG - Draw the Factor Graph A
% drawID - plot an Influence Diagram
% drawJTree - plot a Junction Tree
% drawNet - plot network
% evalpot - Evaluate the table of a potential when variables are set
% exppot - exponential of a potential
% eyepot - Return a unit potential
% logpot - logarithm of the potential
% markov - Return a symmetric adjacency matrix of Markov Network in pot
% maxpot - Maximise a potential over variables
% maxsumpot - Maximise or Sum a potential over variables
% multpots - Multiply potentials into a single potential
% numstates - Number of states of the variables in a potential
% orderpot - Return potential with variables reordered according to order
% orderpotfields - Order the fields of the potential creating blank entries where necessary
% potsample - Draw sample from a single potential
% potscontainingonly - Returns those potential numbers that contain only the required variables
% potvariables - Returns information about all variables in a set of potentials
% setevpot
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1457 2011-12-28 23:34 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\array.m
文件 785 2011-12-28 22:45 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\delta.m
文件 2066 2013-12-03 12:38 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\disptable.m
文件 531 2011-12-28 23:00 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\emppot.m
文件 646 2012-01-29 16:34 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\evalpot.m
文件 517 2012-01-24 17:25 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\exp.m
文件 526 2012-01-24 17:18 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\exppot.m
文件 313 2012-01-24 17:26 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\log.m
文件 220 2011-12-28 23:03 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\logscalar.m
文件 569 2011-12-20 16:14 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\max.m
文件 1350 2011-12-20 16:14 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\maxN.m
文件 503 2012-01-24 17:14 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\mrdivide.m
文件 1170 2012-01-24 16:38 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\mtimes.m
文件 275 2012-01-29 15:49 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\permute.m
文件 1301 2011-12-28 23:08 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\plus.m
文件 1198 2012-01-29 15:35 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\reshape.m
文件 391 2011-12-28 23:09 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\sample.m
文件 856 2011-12-28 23:09 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\setpot.m
文件 933 2011-12-28 23:13 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\setstate.m
文件 300 2012-08-18 18:58 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\size.m
文件 1008 2011-12-28 23:44 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@array\sum.m
文件 1141 2012-01-24 15:45 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@const\const.m
文件 210 2011-12-28 23:52 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@const\evalpot.m
文件 189 2011-12-28 23:53 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@const\logscalar.m
文件 153 2011-12-28 23:53 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@const\max.m
文件 450 2011-12-28 23:54 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@const\mrdivide.m
文件 288 2011-12-28 23:54 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@const\mtimes.m
文件 267 2011-12-28 23:55 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@const\size.m
文件 905 2011-12-29 00:01 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@const\sum.m
文件 1657 2012-02-28 21:48 Bayesian Reasoning and Machine Learning-toolkit\+brml\@GaussianCanonical\GaussianCanonical.m
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