
function C = addangle(A B)
% ADDANGLE Addition function for ‘angle space‘ sigma-points expressed in radians.
% This needed to deal with the angular discontinuety at +- pi radians.
% C = addangle(AB)
% A and B : angles expressed in radians
% C : sum C=A+B such that -pi < C < pi
% Copyright (c) Oregon Health & Science University (2006)
% This file is part of the ReBEL Toolkit. The ReBEL Toolkit is available free for
% academic use only (see included license file) and can be obtained from
% http://choosh.csee.ogi.edu/rebel/. Businesses wishing to obtain a copy of the
% software should contact rebel@csee.ogi.edu for commercial licensing information.
% See LICENSE (which should be part of the main toolkit distribution) for more
% detail.
C = A + B;
twopi = 2*pi;
idx1 = C > pi;
idx2 = C < -pi;
C(idx1) = C(idx1) - twopi;
C(idx2) = C(idx2) + twopi;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3836 2006-10-03 09:28 ReBEL-0.2.7\Bugfixes
文件 5384 2006-09-21 10:58 ReBEL-0.2.7\ChangeLog
文件 1065 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\addangle.m
文件 1298 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\addrelpath.m
文件 14736 2006-09-18 13:07 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\cdkf.m
文件 934 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\checkdups.m
文件 1376 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\checkstructfields.m
文件 4143 2006-09-19 09:25 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\consistent.m
文件 3639 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\Contents.m
文件 4356 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\convgausns.m
文件 874 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\cvecrep.m
文件 1185 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\datamat.m
文件 8319 2006-09-18 13:07 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\ekf.m
文件 1977 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\fixinfds.m
文件 2871 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\gauseval.m
文件 1639 2006-09-19 11:08 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\gaussample.m
文件 80546 2006-09-19 11:34 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\geninfds.m
文件 28704 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\gennoiseds.m
文件 30417 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\gensysnoiseds.m
文件 7201 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\gmmfit.m
文件 4671 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\gmminitialize.m
文件 5126 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\gmmprobability.m
文件 3021 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\gmmsample.m
文件 10668 2006-09-18 13:07 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\gmsppf.m
文件 3526 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\gmsppf2.m
文件 9746 2006-09-18 13:07 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\gspf.m
文件 27931 2006-09-19 09:20 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\gssm.m
文件 8762 2006-09-22 11:25 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\kf.m
文件 2695 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\mlpff.m
文件 2808 2006-09-18 13:06 ReBEL-0.2.7\core\mlpindexgen.m
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