Copyright (c) 1992 The Regents of the University of California.
All rights reserved. See copyright.h for copyright notice and limitation
of liability and disclaimer of warranty provisions.
/* This program reads in a COFF format file and outputs a flat file --
* the flat file can then be copied directly to virtual memory and executed.
* In other words the various pieces of the object code are loaded at
* the appropriate offset in the flat file.
* Assumes coff file compiled with -N -T 0 to make sure it‘s not shared text.
#define MAIN
#include “copyright.h“
#undef MAIN
/* NOTE -- once you have implemented large files it‘s ok to make this bigger! */
#define StackSize 1024 /* in bytes */
#define ReadStruct(fs) Read(f(char *)&ssizeof(s))
extern char *malloc();
/* read and check for error */
void Read(int fd char *buf int nBytes)
if (read(fd buf nBytes) != nBytes) {
fprintf(stderr “File is too short\n“);
/* write and check for error */
void Write(int fd char *buf int nBytes)
if (write(fd buf nBytes) != nBytes) {
fprintf(stderr “Unable to write file\n“);
/* do the real work */
main (int argc char **argv)
int fdIn fdOut numsections i top tmp;
struct filehdr fileh;
struct aouthdr systemh;
struct scnhdr *sections;
char *buffer;
if (argc < 2) {
fprintf(stderr “Usage: %s \n“ argv[0]);
/* open the object file (input) */
fdIn = open(argv[1] O_RDONLY 0);
if (fdIn == -1) {
/* open the flat file (output) */
fdOut = open(argv[2] O_RDWR|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC 0666);
if (fdIn == -1) {
/* Read in the file header and check the magic number. */
if (fileh.f_magic != MIPSELMAGIC) {
fprintf(stderr “File is not a MIPSEL COFF file\n“);
/* Read in the system header and check the magic number */
if (systemh.magic != OMAGIC) {
fprintf(stderr “File is not a OMAGIC file\n“);
/* Read in the section headers. */
numsections = fileh.f_nscns;
sections = (struct scnhdr *)malloc(fileh.f_nscns * sizeof(struct scnhdr));
Read(fdIn (char *) sections fileh.f_nscns * sizeof(struct scnhdr));
/* Copy the segments in */
printf(“Loading %d sections:\n“ fileh.f_nscns);
for (top = 0 i = 0; i < fileh.f_nscns; i++) {
printf(“\t\“%s\“ filepos 0x%x mempos 0x%x size 0x%x\n“
sections[i].s_name sections[i].s_scnptr
sections[i].s_paddr sections[i].s_size);
if ((sections[i].s_paddr + sections[i].s_size) > top)
top = sections[i].s_paddr + sections[i].s_size;
if (strcm
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1132 2005-01-15 00:00 实验四\code\Makefile
文件 4345 2009-07-11 10:37 实验四\code\Makefile.common
文件 744 2002-01-09 00:00 实验四\code\Makefile.dep
文件 2314 1993-11-19 00:00 实验四\code\bin\coff.h
文件 3558 1993-10-04 00:00 实验四\code\bin\coff2flat.c
文件 13158 2009-07-11 01:20 实验四\code\bin\coff2noff
文件 6856 1994-01-12 00:00 实验四\code\bin\coff2noff.c
文件 9740 2009-07-11 01:20 实验四\code\bin\coff2noff.o
文件 3905 1993-10-04 00:00 实验四\code\bin\d.c
文件 3652 1993-10-04 00:00 实验四\code\bin\disasm.c
文件 1780 1993-10-04 00:00 实验四\code\bin\encode.h
文件 11666 1993-10-04 00:00 实验四\code\bin\execute.c
文件 120 1993-11-19 00:00 实验四\code\bin\halt
文件 678 1993-10-04 00:00 实验四\code\bin\instr.h
文件 1041 1993-10-04 00:00 实验四\code\bin\int.h
文件 3607 1993-10-04 00:00 实验四\code\bin\main.c
文件 965 2002-01-09 00:00 实验四\code\bin\Makefile
文件 787 1993-11-20 00:00 实验四\code\bin\noff.h
文件 1346 1993-10-04 00:00 实验四\code\bin\opstrings.c
文件 5725 1994-03-02 00:00 实验四\code\bin\out.c
文件 2703 1993-10-04 00:00 实验四\code\bin\system.c
文件 50760 2009-07-11 10:56 实验四\code\filesys\addrspace.o
文件 10312 2009-07-11 01:19 实验四\code\filesys\bitmap.o
文件 11316 2009-07-11 10:57 实验四\code\filesys\console.o
文件 6247 1994-02-01 00:00 实验四\code\filesys\directory.cc
文件 2878 1993-11-19 00:00 实验四\code\filesys\directory.h
文件 10392 2009-07-11 01:19 实验四\code\filesys\directory.o
文件 15284 2009-07-11 10:57 实验四\code\filesys\disk.o
文件 50672 2009-07-11 10:57 实验四\code\filesys\exception.o
文件 5028 1994-02-01 00:00 实验四\code\filesys\filehdr.cc
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