
/* Copyright (c) 2012 Nordic Semiconductor. All Rights Reserved.
* The information contained herein is property of Nordic Semiconductor ASA.
* Terms and conditions of usage are described in detail in NORDIC
* Licensees are granted free non-transferable use of the information. NO
* WARRANTY of ANY KIND is provided. This heading must NOT be removed from
* the file.
#include “app_button.h“
#include “nordic_common.h“
#include “app_util.h“
#include “app_gpiote.h“
#include “app_timer.h“
#include “app_error.h“
static app_button_cfg_t * mp_buttons = NULL; /**< Button configuration. */
static uint8_t m_button_count; /**< Number of configured buttons. */
static uint32_t m_active_low_states_mask; /**< Mask representing buttons which are active low. */
static uint32_t m_active_high_states_mask; /**< Mask representing buttons which are active high. */
static uint32_t m_detection_delay; /**< Delay before a button is reported as pushed. */
static app_button_evt_schedule_func_t m_evt_schedule_func; /**< Pointer to function for propagating button events to the scheduler. */
static app_gpiote_user_id_t m_gpiote_user_id; /**< GPIOTE user id for buttons module. */
static app_timer_id_t m_detection_delay_timer_id; /**< Polling timer id. */
/**@brief Function for executing the application button handler for specified button.
* @param[in] p_btn Button that has been pushed.
static void button_handler_execute(app_button_cfg_t * p_btn)
if (m_evt_schedule_func != NULL)
uint32_t err_code = m_evt_schedule_func(p_btn->button_handler p_btn->pin_no);
/**@brief Function for handling the timeout that delays reporting buttons as pushed.
* @details The detection_delay_timeout_handler(...) is a call-back issued from the app_timer
* module. It is called with the p_context parameter. The p_context parameter is
* provided to the app_timer module when a timer is started using the call
* @ref app_timer_start. On @ref app_timer_start the p_context will be holding the
* currently pressed buttons.
* @param[in] p_context Pointer used for passing information app_start_timer() was called.
* In the app_button module the p_context holds information on pressed
* buttons.
static void detection_delay_timeout_handler(void * p_context)
uint32_t err_code;
uint32_t event_pins_mask;
uint32_t current_state_pins;
uint32_t active_pins = 0;
// Get state of pins when timer was started.
event_pins_mask = (uint32_t)p_context;
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2014-07-29 10:17 wrist-rom-master code\
目录 0 2014-07-29 10:17 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\
文件 109 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\.gitignore
文件 11325 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\LICENSE
目录 0 2014-07-29 10:17 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\
目录 0 2014-07-29 10:17 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\
目录 0 2014-07-29 10:17 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\
文件 8188 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\app_button.h
文件 2931 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\app_error.h
文件 3277 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\app_fifo.h
文件 7989 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\app_gpiote.h
文件 6158 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\app_scheduler.h
文件 15908 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\app_timer.h
文件 20082 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\app_uart.h
文件 17069 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\app_util.h
文件 1366 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\crc16.h
文件 5008 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\hci_mem_pool.h
文件 832 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\hci_mem_pool_internal.h
文件 5993 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\hci_slip.h
文件 9518 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\app_common\hci_transport.h
目录 0 2014-07-29 10:17 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\ble\
文件 5234 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\ble\ble_advdata.h
文件 16859 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\ble\ble_bondmngr.h
文件 5730 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\ble\ble_conn_params.h
文件 2185 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\ble\ble_date_time.h
文件 2448 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\ble\ble_debug_assert_handler.h
文件 7053 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\ble\ble_dtm.h
文件 4175 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\ble\ble_error_log.h
文件 1595 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\ble\ble_eval_board_pins.h
文件 7032 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\ble\ble_flash.h
文件 5668 2014-02-13 08:02 wrist-rom-master code\wrist-rom-master\nrf51822\Include\ble\ble_racp.h
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