优化觅食算法(OFA 2016年), 代码包含论文中所述的觅食操作。

% Project title: Optimal foraging algorithm (OFA)
% Developer: Guang-Yu Zhu
% Contact Info: zhugy@fzu.edu.cn
% This program is used to generate the initialized individuals in the foraging group.
% Input: num -> The number of individuals
% numVars -> The dimensions of the objective function. d is used for this parameter in Fig.2 of reference [1].
% bounds -> The lower and upper bounds of the state vector
% Output: pop -> The group with num individuals
% The composition of the individual in “pop“ is a d+1 dimensional vector including the d dimensional state vector
% and the objective function value
function [pop] = Initialize(numnumVarsbounds)
rng = bounds(2)-bounds(1);
xZomeLength = numVars+1;
pop = zeros(numxZomeLength);
for i=1:num
[pop(i:) pop(ixZomeLength)] = Sphere( pop(i:) );
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 5339638 2018-04-18 16:59 ofa\2017 Optimal foraging algorithm for global optimization.pdf
文件 1095 2017-04-14 22:23 ofa\Initialize.m
文件 1312 2017-04-16 21:35 ofa\license.txt
文件 800 2017-04-14 22:35 ofa\Main_ofa.m
文件 4681 2018-04-24 10:20 ofa\OFA.m
文件 169 2009-04-11 13:56 ofa\Sphere.m
目录 0 2018-04-19 15:23 ofa
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5347695 7
- 上一篇:u-boot2017.01启动过程分析.pdf
- 下一篇:子弹笔记,管理自己的时间
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