VMWare workstation 9 安装 Mac os x 10.8 系统必备补丁:unlock-all-v110.zip

* Unlocker.cpp
* Created by Zenith432 on September 25 2011.
* Copyright 2011 Zenith432. All rights reserved.
* Permission is hereby granted to use this code as you please.
* Mods by Dave Parsons January 24 2012.
#ifdef _WIN32
#define PATH_SEP ‘\\‘
#else /* _WIN32 */
#define PATH_SEP ‘/‘
#endif /* _WIN32 */
#define LOGGING
#define ROT 13U
using std::cout;
using std::cerr;
using std::endl;
using std::string;
namespace {
char const random[] = “bheuneqjbexolgurfrjbeqfthneqrqcyrnfrqbagfgrny(p)NccyrPbzchgreVap“;
int uninstall = 0;
#ifdef __ESXi__
struct _esxi_t {
int fd;
void* points[3];
size_t sizes[3];
} esxi;
#endif /* __ESXi__ */
#ifdef _WIN32
char const x64[] = “x64\\“;
char const vmx[] = “vmware-vmx.exe“;
char const vmx_debug[] = “vmware-vmx-debug.exe“;
char const vmx_stats[] = “vmware-vmx-stats.exe“;
char const vmwarebase[] = “vmwarebase.dll“;
char const subKey1[] = “SOFTWARE\\VMware Inc.\\VMware Workstation“;
char const subKey2[] = “SOFTWARE\\VMware Inc.\\VMware Player“;
char const value1[] = “InstallPath“;
char const value2[] = “InstallPath64“;
#endif /* _WIN32 */
#ifdef __APPLE__
char const vmx[] = “vmware-vmx“;
char const vmx_debug[] = “vmware-vmx-debug“;
char const vmx_stats[] = “vmware-vmx-stats“;
char const vmwarebase[] = “libvmwarebase.dylib“;
char const install_path[] = “/Applications/VMware Fusion.app/Contents/“;
char const vmx_path[] = “Library/“;
char const vmwarebase_path[] = “frameworks/“;
#endif /* __APPLE__ */
#ifdef __ESXi__
char const vmx[] = “vmx“;
char const vmx_debug[] = “vmx-debug“;
char const vmx_stats[] = “vmx-stats“;
char const install_path[] = “/bin/“;
#elif defined(__linux__)
char const vmx[] = “vmware-vmx“;
char const vmx_debug[] = “vmware-vmx-debug“;
char const vmx_stats[] = “vmware-vmx-stats“;
char const vmwarebase[] = “libvmwarebase.so.0“;
char const install_path[] = “/usr/lib/vmware/“;
char const vmx_path[] = “bin/“;
char const vmwarebase_path[] = “lib/libvmwarebase.so.0/“;
#endif /* __ESXi__ || __linux__ */
void rot13(void* base size_t length)
unsigned char c e *p *q;
p = static_cast(base);
q = p + length;
for (; p != q; ++p) {
c = *p;
if (c >=‘A‘ && c <=‘Z‘) {
if ((e = c + ROT) <= ‘Z‘)
*p = e;
*p = c - ROT;
} else if (c >=‘a‘ && c <=‘z‘) {
if ((e = c + ROT) <= ‘z‘)
*p = e;
*p = c - ROT;
void osk0(char* tail)
#ifdef LOGGING
cout << “Found OSK0 @ “ << static_cast(tail) << endl;
#endif /* LOGGING */
if (*tail)
#ifdef __ESXi__
esxi.points[0] = &tail[1];
esxi.sizes[0] = 32U;
#endif /* __ESXi__ */
if (uninstall) {
memset(&tail[1] 0 32U);
memcpy(&tail[1] &random[0] 32U);
rot13(&tail[1] 32U);
void osk1(char* tail)
#ifdef LOGGIN
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\
目录 0 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\esxi\
文件 901 2012-05-10 14:29 unlock-all-v110\esxi\install.sh
文件 452 2012-05-10 15:02 unlock-all-v110\esxi\uninstall.sh
文件 1209912 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\esxi\Unlocker.ESXi
目录 0 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\linux\
文件 498 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\linux\install.sh
文件 488 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\linux\uninstall.sh
文件 1064344 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\linux\Unlocker.Linux32
文件 1209912 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\linux\Unlocker.Linux64
目录 0 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\osx\
文件 243 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\osx\install.sh
文件 243 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\osx\uninstall.sh
文件 13680 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\osx\Unlocker.OSX
文件 3985 2012-05-10 15:01 unlock-all-v110\readme.txt
目录 0 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\src\
文件 533 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\src\Makefile
文件 15139 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\src\Unlocker.cpp
文件 882 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\src\Unlocker.sln
文件 3751 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\src\Unlocker.vcxproj
目录 0 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\tools\
文件 13172736 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\tools\darwin.iso
文件 256 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\tools\darwin.iso.sig
目录 0 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\windows\
文件 912 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\windows\install.cmd
文件 902 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\windows\uninstall.cmd
文件 139264 2012-03-20 12:29 unlock-all-v110\windows\Unlocker.exe
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