• 大小: 5.08MB
    文件类型: .zip
    金币: 2
    下载: 0 次
    发布日期: 2023-09-17
  • 语言: 其他
  • 标签: BLE  BLE蓝牙  蓝牙5.0  


BlueX发行CEVA蓝牙低功耗IP,用于BX2400可穿戴SoC 这个链接很重要->https://bxble-sdk-doc.readthedocs.io/zh_CN/latest/ Ultra-low power BX2400 IC winning global OEM customers including Huami SHANGHAI, June 27, 2018 -- Mobile World Congress – CEVA, Inc. (NASDAQ: CEVA), the leading licensor of signal processing platforms and artificial intelligence processors for smarter, connected devices, today announced that BlueX Microelectronics (Hefei) Co., Ltd. (BlueX) has licensed and deployed CEVA's RivieraWaves Bluetooth low energy technology in its new BX2400 Bluetooth® 5 compliant wireless integrated circuit (IC). Building on BlueX's deep expertise in CMOS subthreshold design, the BX2400 is an ultra-low power SoC that incorporates Bluetooth, processor, power charge and discharge management, touch and heart rate monitor. Ideally suited to applications such as personal health and fitness wearables, the BX2400 is already gaining strong traction with leading global OEMs and ODMs including Huami. Huang Wang, founder and CEO of Huami, stated: "As the world's leading wearable technology company our customers rely on us to consistently deliver leading-edge, innovative products with exceptional performance. The BlueX BX2400 SoC powered by CEVA's Bluetooth IP enables outstanding battery life and a range of compelling features and sensors, making it an ideal processor for our wearable designs." Huang Wang, founder and CEO of Huami, stated: "As the world's leading wearable technology company our customers rely on us to consistently deliver leading-edge, innovative products with exceptional performance. The BlueX BX2400 SoC powered by CEVA's Bluetooth IP enables outstanding battery life and a range of compelling features and sensors, making it an ideal processor for our wearable designs." "Product differentiation is always a challenge in such a competitive market and we set out to ensure our BX2400 IC outperforms the competition," said Hongyu Li, CEO at BlueX. "CEVA's RivieraWaves Bluetooth low energy IP has g



 * @file app.c
 * @brief Application entry point
 * Copyright (C) RivieraWaves 2009-2015

 * @addtogroup APP
 * @{

#define __RAM_CODE__
#include “rwip_config.h“             // SW configuration


#include “app_task.h“                // Application task Definition
#include “app.h“                     // Application Definition
#include “gap.h“                     // GAP Definition
#include “gapm_task.h“               // GAP Manager Task API
#include “gapc_task.h“               // GAP Controller Task API

#include “co_bt.h“                   // Common BT Definition
#include “co_math.h“                 // Common Maths Definition

#include “app_sec.h“                 // Application security Definition
#endif // (BLE_APP_SEC)

#if (BLE_APP_HT)
#include “app_ht.h“                  // Health Thermometer Application Definitions
#endif //(BLE_APP_HT)

#include “app_dis.h“                 // Device Information Service Application Definitions
#endif //(BLE_APP_DIS)

#include “app_batt.h“                // Battery Application Definitions
#endif //(BLE_APP_DIS)

#include “app_hid.h“                 // HID Application Definitions
#endif //(BLE_APP_HID)

#include “app_display.h“             // Application Display Definition

#ifdef BLE_APP_AM0
#include “am0_app.h“                 // Audio Mode 0 Application
#endif //defined(BLE_APP_AM0)

#include “nvds.h“                    // NVDS Definitions
#endif //(NVDS_SUPPORT)


/// Default Device Name if no value can be found in NVDS
#define APP_DFLT_DEVICE_NAME            (“RW-BLE-DEV“)

// HID Mouse
#define DEVICE_NAME        “Hid Mouse“
#define DEVICE_NAME        “RW DEVICE“


 * UUID List part of ADV Data
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
 * x03 - Length
 * x03 - Complete list of 16-bit UUIDs available
 * x09\x18 - Health Thermometer Service UUID
 *   or
 * x12\x18 - HID Service UUID
 * --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

#if (BLE_APP_HT)
#define APP_HT_ADV_DATA_UUID       

 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
----------- ---------  ---------- -----  ----
     文件         658  2018-12-14 16:28  toolchain-gnu.cmake
     文件         588  2018-12-14 16:28  toolchain-armcc.cmake
     文件        9775  2019-02-28 16:01  CMakeLists.txt
     目录           0  2019-03-11 15:58  tools\
     目录           0  2018-12-14 16:33  tools\doxygen\
     文件      107996  2018-12-14 16:28  tools\doxygen\Doxyfile
     文件      517340  2018-12-14 16:28  tools\doxygen\index.chm
     文件      110004  2018-12-14 16:28  tools\doxygen\mesh_doxyfile
     目录           0  2019-05-16 17:26  tools\image_tool\
     文件      499712  2019-05-16 17:26  tools\image_tool\bin_merge.exe
     文件       83221  2019-05-16 17:26  tools\image_tool\boot_ram.asm
     文件        2212  2019-05-16 17:26  tools\image_tool\boot_ram.bin
     文件         109  2018-12-14 16:28  tools\image_tool\dissemble.bat
     文件        1853  2018-12-14 16:28  tools\image_tool\JlinkSettings.Jlinkscript
     文件         271  2019-02-25 09:19  tools\image_tool\merge.ini
     文件         164  2018-12-14 16:28  tools\make_mesh_sdk.bat
     目录           0  2019-02-25 09:19  tools\prog_tool\
     文件        1776  2018-12-14 16:28  tools\prog_tool\flash_prog_1v8.jflash
     文件        1776  2018-12-14 16:28  tools\prog_tool\flash_prog_3v3.jflash
     文件         228  2018-12-14 16:28  tools\prog_tool\prog_1v8.bat
     文件         228  2018-12-14 16:28  tools\prog_tool\prog_3v3.bat
     文件        4598  2019-02-25 09:19  tools\prog_tool\RAMCodeSpecific_Release_1v8.mot
     文件        4590  2019-02-25 09:19  tools\prog_tool\RAMCodeSpecific_Release_3v3.mot
     目录           0  2019-05-16 17:26  tools\prog_tool_v2\
     目录           0  2019-05-16 17:26  tools\prog_tool_v2\BlueX\
     文件       90624  2019-05-16 17:26  tools\prog_tool_v2\BlueX\APOLLO_00_1V8.FLM
     文件       90640  2019-05-16 17:26  tools\prog_tool_v2\BlueX\APOLLO_00_3V3.FLM
     文件         623  2019-05-16 17:26  tools\prog_tool_v2\JlinkDevices.xml
     文件         140  2018-12-14 16:28  tools\prog_tool_v2\ReadMe.txt
     目录           0  2018-12-14 16:33  tools\reg_xls2h\
     文件           6  2018-12-14 16:28  tools\reg_xls2h\.cvsignore


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