
* GloMoSim is COPYRIGHTED software. Release 2.02 of GloMoSim is available
* at no cost to educational users only.
* Commercial use of this software requires a separate license. No cost
* evaluation licenses are available for such purposes; please contact
* info@scalable-networks.com
* By obtaining copies of this and any other files that comprise GloMoSim2.02
* you the Licensee agree to abide by the following conditions and
* understandings with respect to the copyrighted software:
* 1.Permission to use copy and modify this software and its documentation
* for education and non-commercial research purposes only is hereby granted
* to Licensee provided that the copyright notice the original author‘s
* names and unit identification and this permission notice appear on all
* such copies and that no charge be made for such copies. Any entity
* desiring permission to use this software for any commercial or
* non-educational research purposes should contact:
* Professor Rajive Bagrodia
* University of California Los Angeles
* Department of Computer Science
* Box 951596
* 3532 Boelter Hall
* Los Angeles CA 90095-1596
* rajive@cs.ucla.edu
* 3.Neither the software developers the Parallel Computing Lab UCLA or any
* affiliate of the UC system shall be liable for any damages suffered by
* Licensee from the use of this software.
// Use the latest version of Parsec if this line causes a compiler error.
* $Id: http_distribution.cv 1.1 2000/01/10 09:09:34 gandy Exp $
* This file contains C functions which approximate the functionality of
* Bruce Mah‘s CDF processing class functions. It also contains all of the
* CDFs that Bruce Mah has created from network traces.
* This code is adapted from the work published by Bruce Mah.
* B. Mah “An Empirical Model of HTTP Network Traffic“
* Proceedings of INFOCOM ‘97 Kobe Japan April 1997.
* http://www.ca.sandia.gov/~bmah/Papers/Http-Infocom.ps
* Send questions to Julian Hsu
#include “http_distribution.h“
#ifndef TRUE
#define TRUE 1
#ifndef FALSE
#define FALSE 0
double DoubleDistEmpiricalIntegralInterpolate(
double x1 double x2 double y1 double y2 double x)
return ceil((y1 + ((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) * (x - x1)));
double DoubleDistEmpiricalContinuousInterpolate(
double x1 double x2 double y1 double y2 double x)
return (y1 + ((y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)) * (x - x1));
int DoubleDistFindIndex(const DoubleDistElement *array
const long count double value)
int top = count - 1
bottom = 0
#ifdef DEBUG
printf(“ findindex start value = %f ind0.val = %f\n“ value array[0].cdf)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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文件 6744 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\aix\include\pc_api.h
文件 894 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\aix\runtime\main.o
文件 40310 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\aix\runtime\gel_unsigned.o
文件 41182 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\aix\runtime\gel_longlong.o
文件 85607 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\freebsd-3.3\bin\parsecc
文件 85607 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\freebsd-3.3\bin\pcc
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文件 6816 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\freebsd-3.3\include\pc_api.h
文件 2409 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\freebsd-3.3\include\clocktype.h
文件 788 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\freebsd-3.3\runtime\main.o
文件 21737 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\freebsd-3.3\runtime\gel_unsigned.o
文件 22761 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\freebsd-3.3\runtime\gel_longlong.o
文件 154892 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\irix-6.4\bin\parsecc
文件 154892 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\irix-6.4\bin\pcc
文件 1071 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\irix-6.4\doc\help.txt
文件 2409 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\irix-6.4\include\clocktype.h
文件 6816 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\irix-6.4\include\pc_api.h
文件 956 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\irix-6.4\runtime\main.o
文件 39948 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\irix-6.4\runtime\gel_unsigned.o
文件 39476 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\irix-6.4\runtime\gel_longlong.o
文件 71244 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\irix-6.4\runtime\mpc_none.o
文件 100195 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\redhat-6.0\bin\parsecc
文件 100195 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\redhat-6.0\bin\pcc
文件 1071 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\redhat-6.0\doc\help.txt
文件 2409 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\redhat-6.0\include\clocktype.h
文件 6865 2001-09-13 15:00 glomosim-2.03\parsec\redhat-6.0\include\pc_api.h
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