
# Iris Detection 2 Example
# This example shows how to find the eye gaze (pupil detection) after finding
# the eyes in an image. This script uses the find_eyes function which determines
# the center point of roi that should contain a pupil. It does this by basically
# finding the center of the darkest area in the eye roi which is the pupil center.
# Note: This script does not detect a face first use it with the telephoto lens.
import sensor time image
from pyb import UART
from pyb import LED
red_led = LED(1)
green_led = LED(2)
blue_led = LED(3)
ir_led = LED(4)
uart = UART(3 115200)
# Reset sensor
# Sensor settings
# Set resolution to VGA.
# Bin/Crop image to 200x100 which gives more details with less data to process
sensor.set_windowing((220 190 200 100))
# Load Haar Cascade
# By default this will use all stages lower stages is faster but less accurate.
eyes_cascade = image.HaarCascade(“eye“ stages=24)
# FPS clock
clock = time.clock()
while (True):
# Capture snapshot
img = sensor.snapshot()
# Find eyes !
# Note: Lower scale factor scales-down the image more and detects smaller objects.
# Higher threshold results in a higher detection rate with more false positives.
eyes = img.find_features(eyes_cascade threshold=0.5 scale_factor=1.5)
# Find iris
for e in eyes:
iris = img.find_eye(e)
output_str=“%.3d%.3d“ % (iris[0] iris[1]) #方式1
if output_str!=0: red_led.on()
#output_str=json.dumps([max_blob.cx()max_blob.cy()]) #方式2
#print(‘you send:‘output_str)
img.draw_cross(iris[0] iris[1])
# Print FPS.
# Note: Actual FPS is higher streaming the FB makes it slower.
#uart.write(“Hello World!\r“)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 349249 2018-12-16 12:53 后视镜驱动\OBJ\timer.crf
目录 0 2019-05-12 23:37 后视镜驱动\
目录 0 2019-05-12 23:37 后视镜驱动\CORE\
文件 17273 2010-06-07 10:25 后视镜驱动\CORE\core_cm3.c
文件 85714 2011-02-09 14:59 后视镜驱动\CORE\core_cm3.h
文件 17273 2010-06-07 10:25 后视镜驱动\CORE\core_cm3_1.c
文件 85714 2011-02-09 14:59 后视镜驱动\CORE\core_cm3_1.h
文件 15503 2011-03-10 10:52 后视镜驱动\CORE\startup_stm32f10x_hd.s
文件 12955 2017-08-03 17:35 后视镜驱动\CORE\startup_stm32f10x_md.s
目录 0 2019-05-12 23:37 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\
目录 0 2019-05-12 23:37 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\CAN\
文件 5056 2018-11-06 09:49 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\CAN\can.c
文件 389 2018-11-06 08:42 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\CAN\can.h
目录 0 2019-05-12 23:37 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\KEY\
文件 1060 2018-11-06 08:56 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\KEY\key.c
文件 575 2018-11-06 08:20 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\KEY\key.h
目录 0 2019-05-12 23:37 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\LCD\
文件 35016 2015-03-13 14:54 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\LCD\font.h
文件 85363 2018-11-09 09:16 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\LCD\lcd.c
文件 7529 2015-04-24 11:48 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\LCD\lcd.h
目录 0 2019-05-12 23:37 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\LED\
文件 836 2018-11-09 21:14 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\LED\led.c
文件 171 2018-11-08 10:05 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\LED\led.h
文件 2346 2018-11-13 22:12 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\motor.c
文件 463 2018-11-13 21:25 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\motor.h
文件 1624 2018-11-13 21:26 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\timer.c
文件 109 2018-11-08 10:17 后视镜驱动\HARDWARE\timer.h
目录 0 2019-05-12 23:37 后视镜驱动\OBJ\
文件 359764 2018-12-16 12:53 后视镜驱动\OBJ\CAN.axf
文件 1851 2018-12-16 12:53 后视镜驱动\OBJ\CAN.build_log.htm
文件 31056 2018-12-16 12:53 后视镜驱动\OBJ\CAN.hex
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