
FILE : datapage.c
PURPOSE : paged data access runtime routines
MACHINE : Freescale 68HC12 (Target)
HISTORY : 21.7.96 first version created
#include “hidef.h“
#include “non_bank.sgm“
#include “runtime.sgm“
/*lint --e{957} MISRA 8.1 REQ these are runtime support functions and as such are not meant to be called in user code; they are only invoked via jumps in compiler-generated code */
/*lint -estring(553 __OPTION_ACTIVE__) MISRA 19.11 REQ __OPTION_ACTIVE__ is a built-in compiler construct to check for active compiler options */
#ifndef __HCS12X__ /* it‘s different for the HCS12X. See the text below at the #else // __HCS12X__ */
According to the -Cp option of the compiler the
__DPAGE__ __PPAGE__ and __EPAGE__ macros are defined.
If none of them is given as argument then no page accesses should occur and
this runtime routine should not be used !
To be on the save side the runtime routines are created anyway.
/* Compile with option -DHCS12 to activate this code */
#if defined(HCS12) || defined(_HCS12) || defined(__HCS12__)
#ifndef PPAGE_ADDR
#ifdef __PPAGE_ADR__
#define PPAGE_ADDR (0x30 + REGISTER_base)
#ifndef __PPAGE__ /* may be set already by option -CPPPAGE */
#define __PPAGE__
/* Compile with option -DDG128 to activate this code */
#elif defined DG128 /* HC912DG128 derivative has PPAGE register only at 0xFF */
#ifndef PPAGE_ADDR
#define PPAGE_ADDR (0xFF+REGISTER_base)
#ifndef __PPAGE__ /* may be set already by option -CPPPAGE */
#define __PPAGE__
#elif defined(HC812A4)
/* all setting default to A4 already */
#if !defined(__EPAGE__) && !defined(__PPAGE__) && !defined(__DPAGE__)
/* as default use all page registers */
#define __DPAGE__
#define __EPAGE__
#define __PPAGE__
/* modify the following defines to your memory configuration */
#define EPAGE_LOW_BOUND 0x400u
#define EPAGE_HIGH_BOUND 0x7ffu
#define DPAGE_LOW_BOUND 0x7000u
#define DPAGE_HIGH_BOUND 0x7fffu
#ifndef REGISTER_base
#define REGISTER_base 0x0u
#ifndef DPAGE_ADDR
#define DPAGE_ADDR (0x34u+REGISTER_base)
#ifndef EPAGE_ADDR
#define EPAGE_ADDR (0x36u+REGISTER_base)
#ifndef PPAGE_ADDR
#define PPAGE_ADDR (0x35u+REGISTER_base)
The following parts about the defines are assumed in the code of _GET_PAGE_REG :
- the memory region controlled by DPAGE is above the area controlled by the EPAGE and
below the area controlled by the PPAGE.
- the lower bound of the PPAGE area is equal to be the higher bound of the DPAGE are
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 4187 2013-05-30 15:41 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\----_Data\CWSettingsWindows.stg
文件 13929 2013-05-26 17:06 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\----_Data\Standard\ob
文件 45881 2013-05-30 16:08 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\----_Data\Standard\ob
文件 164172 2013-05-26 17:06 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\----_Data\Standard\ob
文件 5541 2013-05-26 17:06 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\----_Data\Standard\ob
文件 493641 2013-05-30 16:08 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\----_Data\Standard\TargetDataWindows.tdt
文件 4175 2013-07-12 21:33 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\110_Data\CWSettingsWindows.stg
文件 13989 2013-07-10 12:03 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\110_Data\Standard\ob
文件 71413 2013-07-12 21:25 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\110_Data\Standard\ob
文件 164220 2013-07-10 12:03 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\110_Data\Standard\ob
文件 5597 2013-07-10 12:03 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\110_Data\Standard\ob
文件 497943 2013-07-12 21:25 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\110_Data\Standard\TargetDataWindows.tdt
文件 4179 2013-06-10 09:10 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\1_Data\CWSettingsWindows.stg
文件 14129 2013-05-30 16:13 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\1_Data\Standard\ob
文件 71493 2013-06-09 18:34 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\1_Data\Standard\ob
文件 164340 2013-05-30 16:13 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\1_Data\Standard\ob
文件 5737 2013-05-30 16:13 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\1_Data\Standard\ob
文件 499387 2013-06-10 09:10 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\1_Data\Standard\TargetDataWindows.tdt
文件 4183 2013-05-18 18:28 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\516------------_Data\CWSettingsWindows.stg
文件 14001 2013-05-17 13:32 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\516------------_Data\Standard\ob
文件 36665 2013-05-18 18:28 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\516------------_Data\Standard\ob
文件 164232 2013-05-17 13:32 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\516------------_Data\Standard\ob
文件 5609 2013-05-17 13:32 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\516------------_Data\Standard\ob
文件 496261 2013-05-18 18:28 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\516------------_Data\Standard\TargetDataWindows.tdt
文件 4175 2013-07-21 09:49 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\7.14_Data\CWSettingsWindows.stg
文件 13989 2013-07-20 17:51 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\7.14_Data\Standard\ob
文件 70969 2013-07-21 09:48 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\7.14_Data\Standard\ob
文件 164224 2013-07-20 17:51 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\7.14_Data\Standard\ob
文件 5597 2013-07-20 17:51 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\7.14_Data\Standard\ob
文件 497916 2013-07-21 09:49 13 光电组相关资料\光电直立CCD传感器组\8.18晚\7.14_Data\Standard\TargetDataWindows.tdt
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