USB Type-C DisplayPort Alternate Mode 使用说明,
The USB Type-C and Power Delivery specifications allow platforms equipped with USB Type-C ports to negotiate power levels
up to 3 A at 5 V, 9 V and 15 V, and up to 5 A at 20 V, for a maximum 100 W power delivery.
Besides power negotiation, the specifications introduce Alternate Modes so USB Type-C hosts and devices can add functionality like carrying high-speed data signals over USB Type-C connectors and cables; one of these modes manages the
DisplayPort video protocol.
The USB Type-C and Power Delivery specifications allow platforms equipped with USB Type-C ports to negotiate power levels
up to 3 A at 5 V, 9 V and 15 V, and up to 5 A at 20 V, for a maximum 100 W power delivery.
Besides power negotiation, the specifications introduce Alternate Modes so USB Type-C hosts and devices can add functionality like carrying high-speed data signals over USB Type-C connectors and cables; one of these modes manages the
DisplayPort video protocol.
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