% Code arranged by Jiang Lei(jianglei730@gmail.com) %
% Tested in MATLAB 7.6 %
%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Test Denosing Methods %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
%%%%%%% Read Original Image %%%%%%%%
close all;
% choose one image file to test
file_name = ‘lena1.png‘;
% file_name = ‘barco.png‘;
% file_name = ‘boat.png‘;
% file_name = ‘fingerprint.png‘;
% file_name = ‘flinstones.png‘;
% file_name = ‘house.png‘;
% file_name = ‘peppers256.png‘;
% specify noise magnitude
sig = 10;
path(path ‘.\Sample Images‘);
origin_img = imread(file_name);
% origin_img = imcrop(origin_img [50 180 50 50]);
figure imagesc(origin_img); colormap gray; axis image;
title(‘Original Image‘);
disp(‘Display Original Image‘)
disp(‘%%% Press Any Key to Continue %%%‘);
origin_img = double(origin_img);
[hw] = size(origin_img);
%%%%%%% Generate Random Noise ******
randn(‘state‘ 0);
noise = randn(size(origin_img));
noise = noise/sqrt(mean2(noise.^2));
noise_img = origin_img + sig*noise;
figure imagesc(noise_img); colormap gray; axis image; drawnow;
title(‘Noise Image‘);
disp(‘Display Noise Image‘)
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% BLS-GSM methods %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
disp(‘ ‘);
disp(‘%%% Press Any Key to Continue %%%‘);
path(path ‘.\Simoncelli_PyrTools‘);
path(path ‘.\Added_PyrTools‘);
path(path ‘.\denoising_subprograms‘);
disp(‘Testing BLS-GSM Denoising Methods...‘);
% Noise Parameters (assumed additive Gaussian and independent of the
% original image)
sig = 10; % standard deviation
PS = ones(size(origin_img)); % power spectral density (in this case flat i.e. white noise)
seed = 0; % random seed
% Pyramidal representation parameters
Nsc = ceil(log2(min(h w)) - 4); % Number of scales (adapted to the image size)
Nor = 3; % Number of orientations (for X-Y separable wavelets it can only be 3)
repres1 = ‘uw‘; % Type of pyramid (shift-invariant version of an orthogonal wavelet in this case)
repres2 = ‘daub1‘; % Type of wavelet (daubechies wavelet order 2N for ‘daubN‘; in this case ‘Haar‘)
% Model parameters (optimized: do not change them unless you are an advanced user with a deep understanding of the theory)
blSize = [3 3]; % n x n coefficient neighborhood of spatial neighbors within the same subband
% (n must be odd):
parent = 0; % including or not (1/0) in the neighborhood a coefficient from the same spatial location
% and orientation as the central coefficient of the n x n neighborhood but
% next coarser scale. Many times helps but not always.
boundary = 1; % Boundary mirror extension to avoid boundary artifacts
covariance = 1; % Full covariance matrix (1) or only diagonal elem
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 21697 2009-06-17 14:55 Denoise Methods\BM3D\BM3D.m
文件 17116 2009-06-17 14:54 Denoise Methods\BM3D\BM3DDEB.m
文件 17668 2009-06-17 14:58 Denoise Methods\BM3D\BM3DSHARP.m
文件 180038 2009-06-17 13:08 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr.mexa64
文件 198707 2009-05-27 10:31 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr.mexglx
文件 200704 2007-01-17 14:17 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr.mexw32
文件 195584 2008-10-17 14:52 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr.mexw64
文件 110712 2009-06-17 13:08 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_color.mexa64
文件 158284 2008-11-18 11:41 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_color.mexglx
文件 151552 2008-11-18 17:34 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_color.mexw32
文件 124928 2008-10-17 15:32 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_color.mexw64
文件 175956 2009-06-17 13:08 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_colored_noise.mexa64
文件 260360 2008-11-18 11:44 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_colored_noise.mexglx
文件 217088 2008-11-18 19:14 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_colored_noise.mexw32
文件 196608 2008-10-16 19:06 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_colored_noise.mexw64
文件 144444 2009-06-17 13:08 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_sharpen_var.mexa64
文件 235818 2008-11-18 11:49 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_sharpen_var.mexglx
文件 188416 2008-11-18 17:11 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_sharpen_var.mexw32
文件 158208 2008-10-17 12:26 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_sharpen_var.mexw64
文件 204696 2009-06-17 13:08 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_video.mexa64
文件 166577 2008-11-20 12:11 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_video.mexglx
文件 196608 2007-03-12 00:03 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_video.mexw32
文件 193536 2008-11-19 23:25 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_thr_video.mexw64
文件 122697 2009-06-17 13:08 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_wiener.mexa64
文件 129108 2009-05-27 10:31 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_wiener.mexglx
文件 131072 2007-03-06 15:51 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_wiener.mexw32
文件 144896 2008-10-17 14:56 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_wiener.mexw64
文件 122779 2009-06-17 13:08 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_wiener_color.mexa64
文件 170317 2008-11-18 11:41 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_wiener_color.mexglx
文件 159744 2008-11-18 17:50 Denoise Methods\BM3D\bm3d_wiener_color.mexw32
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