游戏名:「推箱子 3D」「Sokoban 3D

// Author: Daniele Giardini - http://www.demigiant.com
// Created: 2018/07/13
#if true // MODULE_MARKER
using System;
using UnityEngine;
#if UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
using UnityEngine.Audio; // Required for AudioMixer
#pragma warning disable 1591
namespace DG.Tweening
public static class DOTweenModuleAudio
#region Shortcuts
#region Audio
/// Tweens an AudioSource‘s volume to the given value.
/// Also stores the AudioSource as the tween‘s target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reach (0 to 1)The duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOFade(this AudioSource target float endValue float duration)
if (endValue < 0) endValue = 0;
else if (endValue > 1) endValue = 1;
return DOTween.To(() => target.volume x => target.volume = x endValue duration).SetTarget(target);
/// Tweens an AudioSource‘s pitch to the given value.
/// Also stores the AudioSource as the tween‘s target so it can be used for filtered operations
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOPitch(this AudioSource target float endValue float duration)
return DOTween.To(() => target.pitch x => target.pitch = x endValue duration).SetTarget(target);
#if UNITY_5 || UNITY_2017_1_OR_NEWER
#region AudioMixer (Unity 5 or Newer)
/// Tweens an AudioMixer‘s exposed float to the given value.
/// Also stores the AudioMixer as the tween‘s target so it can be used for filtered operations.
/// Note that you need to manually expose a float in an AudioMixerGroup in order to be able to tween it from an AudioMixer.
/// Name given to the exposed float to set
/// The end value to reachThe duration of the tween
public static Tweener DOSetFloat(this AudioMixer target string floatName float endValue float duration)
return DOTween.To(()=> {
float currVal;
target.GetFloat(floatName out currVal);
return currVal;
} x=> target.SetFloat(floatName x) endValue duration)
#region Operation Shortcuts
/// Completes all tweens that have this target as a reference
/// (meaning tweens that were started from this target or that had this target added as an Id)
/// and returns the total number of tweens completed
/// (meaning the tweens that don‘t have infinite loops and were not already complete)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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目录 0 2018-09-11 12:31 sokoban-master\Sokoban\Assets\Libs\
文件 172 2018-09-11 12:31 sokoban-master\Sokoban\Assets\Libs\DOTween.me
目录 0 2018-09-11 12:31 sokoban-master\Sokoban\Assets\Libs\DOTween\
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文件 158 2018-09-11 12:31 sokoban-master\Sokoban\Assets\Libs\DOTween\DOTween.xm
文件 143360 2018-09-11 12:31 sokoban-master\Sokoban\Assets\Libs\DOTween\DOTween.dll
文件 55341 2018-09-11 12:31 sokoban-master\Sokoban\Assets\Libs\DOTween\DOTween.dll.mdb
文件 155 2018-09-11 12:31 sokoban-master\Sokoban\Assets\Libs\DOTween\DOTween.dll.mdb.me
文件 569 2018-09-11 12:31 sokoban-master\Sokoban\Assets\Libs\DOTween\DOTween.dll.me
文件 172 2018-09-11 12:31 sokoban-master\Sokoban\Assets\Libs\DOTween\Editor.me
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