局部保持投影算法 LPP 有数据mat 可以实现
function W = constructW(Xoptions)
% Usage:
% W 2= constructW(Xoptions)
% X: Rows of vectors of data points. Each row is x_i
% options: Struct value in Matlab. The fields in options that can be set:
% Metric - Choices are:
% ‘Euclidean‘ - Will use the Euclidean distance of two data
% points to evaluate the “closeness“ between
% them. [Default One]
% NeighborMode - Indicates how to construct the graph. Choices
% are:
% ‘KNN‘ - Put an edge between two nodes if and
% only if they are among the k nearst
% neighbors of each other. You are
% required to provide the parameter k in
% the options. [Default One]
% WeightMode - Indicates how to assign weights for each edge
% in the graph. Choices are:
% ‘HeatKernel‘ - If nodes i and j are connected put weight
% W_ij = exp(-norm(x_i - x_j)/t). This
% weight mode can only be used under
% ‘Euclidean‘ metric and you are required to
% provide the parameter t.
% k - The parameter needed under ‘KNN‘ NeighborMode.
% Default will be 5.
% t - The parameter needed under ‘HeatKernel‘
% WeightMode. Default will be 1
% Examples:
% X = rand(5015);
% options = [];
% options.Metric = ‘Euclidean‘;
% options.NeighborMode = ‘KNN‘;
% options.k = 5;
% options.WeightMode = ‘HeatKernel‘;
% options.t = 1;
% W = constructW(Xoptions);
% Written by Qiuqiu Li(qiuqium11@163.com) April/2013
%% define parameters‘ Default-value
if (~exist(‘options‘‘var‘))
options = [];
if ~isstruct(options)
error(‘parameter error!‘);
% define options.Metric=================================================
if ~isfield(options‘Metric‘)
options.Metric = ‘Euclidean‘;
% define options.NeighborMode =================================================
if ~isfield(options‘NeighborMode‘)
options.NeighborMode = ‘KNN‘;
if ~isfield(options‘k‘)
options.k = 5;
else if options.k < 1
options.k = 1;
% define options.WeightMode =================================================
if ~isfield(options‘t‘)
options.t = 1000000;
%% constructW
[nSmp ~] = size(X);
%% constructing the difference in value between two samples matrix[(‘Euclidean‘ and ‘Cosine‘)‘s D]
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2013-10-11 21:22 LPP\
文件 2784549 2013-10-09 16:50 LPP\AR1D_data.mat
文件 4519 2013-10-09 20:58 LPP\LPP.m
文件 1313 2013-10-11 21:22 LPP\LPP_knn.asv
文件 1542 2013-10-19 15:26 LPP\LPP_knn.m
文件 3764043 2013-10-09 16:51 LPP\ORL1D_data.mat
文件 6215 2013-06-28 22:10 LPP\PCA.m
文件 1541529 2013-10-09 16:49 LPP\Yale1D_data.mat
文件 3744 2013-07-06 21:57 LPP\constructW.asv
文件 3691 2013-08-02 08:04 LPP\constructW.m
文件 398 2013-06-28 22:10 LPP\knn.m
- 上一篇:可直接实现的2DPCA算法代码
- 下一篇:可实现的2DLDA算法代码
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