
function out=mmpolar(varargin)
%MMPOLAR Polar Plot with Settable Properties.
% MMPOLAR(ThetaRho) creates a polar coordinate plot using the angle Theta
% in RADIANS and radius in Rho. Rho can contain negative values.
% MMPOLAR(ThetaRhoS) creates the plot using the line spec given by S. See
% the function PLOT for information about S.
% MMPOLAR(Theta1Rho1S1Theta2Rho2S2...) plots all the defined curves.
% MMPOLAR(Theta1Rho1S1...‘PName‘PValue...) plots all defined curves
% and sets plot property names to the corresponding property values.
% MMPOLAR(Theta1Rho1S1...P) plots all the defined curves and uses the
% structure P having fieldnames equal to plot property names to set
% corresponding property values contained in the associated fields.
% H=MMPOLAR(ThetaRho...) returns handles to lines or lineseries objects.
% For example set(H‘LineWidth‘2) sets all linewidths to 2 points.
% Note: ‘LineWidth‘ is NOT a property that can be set with MMPOLAR. It must
% be set as shown above by using the SET function on the line handles H.
% MMPOLAR(‘PName‘PValue...) sets the property names to the corresponding
% property values. See below for property name/value pairs. Just as with
% the function SET ‘PName‘ is case insensitive and need only be unique.
% MMPOLAR with no input argument returns a structure with fieldnames equal
% to property names each containing the associated property values.
% MMPOLAR(P) sets property values using the structure P as described above.
% MMPOLAR(‘PName‘) returns the property value associated with ‘PName‘.
% MMPOLAR({‘PName1‘‘PName2‘...}) returns multiple property values in a
% cell array.
% MMPOLAR(Hax...) uses the axes having handle Hax.
% Examples: MMPOLAR(ThetaRhoS‘style‘‘compass‘) creates a polar plot with
% theta=0 pointing North and theta increasing in the clockwise direction.
% MMPOLAR(ThetaRhoS) creates a cartesian polar plot where theta=0 is along
% the x-axis and theta increases in the counterclockwise direction.
% but does not work with AXIS GRID (Use MMPOLAR properties to set these)
% PROPERTY VALUE {Default} DEscriptION
% style {cartesian} | compass shortcut to two common polar
% styles. Cartesian: theta=0 points east and increases
% going north. Compass: theta=0 points north and
% increases going east. See TDirection and TZeroDirection.
% Axis {on} | off shortcut for grids ticks border
% backgroundcolor visibility
% Border {on} | off shortcut for axis border tick mark visibility.
% Grid {on} | off shortcut for visibility of rho and theta grids
% RLimit [Rmin Rmax] rho axis limits may be negative values
% TLimit [Tmin Tmax] theta axis limits in RADIANS
% RTic
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 55304 2015-04-17 10:49 antenna\test\mmpolar.m
文件 40038 2015-04-17 10:02 antenna\天线软件\20140801084708312.jpg
文件 169038 2015-04-17 10:02 antenna\天线软件\9e3df8dcd100baa11270975a4710b912c9fc2ef7.png
文件 72402 2010-06-08 23:53 antenna\天线软件\antenna\distrib\antenna.exe
文件 2870 2010-06-08 23:53 antenna\天线软件\antenna\distrib\readme.txt
文件 212 2010-06-09 00:21 antenna\天线软件\antenna\distrib\_install.bat
文件 72402 2010-06-08 23:53 antenna\天线软件\antenna\src\antenna.exe
文件 2887 2010-06-08 23:53 antenna\天线软件\antenna\src\antenna_delay_load.c
文件 4433 2010-06-08 23:53 antenna\天线软件\antenna\src\antenna_main.c
文件 6943 2010-06-08 23:53 antenna\天线软件\antenna\src\antenna_mcc_component_data.c
文件 1059084 2010-06-08 23:53 antenna\天线软件\antenna\src\mccExcludedFiles.log
文件 2870 2010-06-08 23:53 antenna\天线软件\antenna\src\readme.txt
文件 43301 2010-06-09 00:21 antenna\天线软件\antenna.prj
文件 18873 2015-04-16 20:30 antenna\天线软件\antenna1.fig
文件 31143 2015-04-16 20:30 antenna\天线软件\antenna1.m
文件 29608 2015-04-14 16:59 antenna\天线软件\model of antenna.rar
文件 1032192 2010-06-10 13:07 antenna\天线软件\天线设计软件说明文件.doc
目录 0 2010-06-09 00:08 antenna\天线软件\antenna\distrib
目录 0 2010-06-08 23:53 antenna\天线软件\antenna\src
目录 0 2010-06-08 23:52 antenna\天线软件\antenna
目录 0 2015-04-17 10:45 antenna\test
目录 0 2015-04-17 10:34 antenna\天线软件
目录 0 2015-04-17 10:45 antenna
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