本压缩包里是SBA 1.6(Sparse Bundle Adjustment)的VC2010版本
./sba SBA源码 (含readme.txt)
./demo ecusbademo源码 (含readme.txt)
./lib 静态库存放位置,包括clapack.lib和sba项目生成的sba.lib都放在这里
./documentation 相关论文和文档(我搜集下载的)
./vc2010 VC2010的解决方案和项目配置文件(*.sln, *.vcxproj...)
/* Euclidean bundle adjustment demo using the sba package */
#include “../sba/sba.h“
#include “../sba/compiler.h“
#include “eucsbademo.h“
#include “readparams.h“
#define MAXITER 100
#define MAXITER2 150
/* pointers to additional data used for computed image projections and their jacobians */
struct globs_{
double *rot0params; /* initial rotation parameters combined with a local rotation parameterization */
double *intrcalib; /* the 5 intrinsic calibration parameters in the order [fu u0 v0 ar skew]
* where ar is the aspect ratio fv/fu.
* Used only when calibration is fixed for all cameras;
* otherwise it is null and the intrinsic parameters are
* included in the set of motion parameters for each camera
int nccalib; /* number of calibration parameters that must be kept constant.
* 0: all parameters are free
* 1: skew is fixed to its initial value all other parameters vary (i.e. fu u0 v0 ar)
* 2: skew and aspect ratio are fixed to their initial values all other parameters vary (i.e. fu u0 v0)
* 3: meaningless
* 4: skew aspect ratio and principal point are fixed to their initial values only the focal length varies (i.e. fu)
* 5: all intrinsics are kept fixed to their initial values
* >5: meaningless
* Used only when calibration varies among cameras
int ncdist; /* number of distortion parameters in Bouguet‘s model that must be kept constant.
* 0: all parameters are free
* 1: 6th order radial distortion term (kc[4]) is fixed
* 2: 6th order radial distortion and one of the tangential distortion terms (kc[3]) are fixed
* 3: 6th order radial distortion and both tangential distortion terms (kc[3] kc[2]) are fixed [i.e. only 2nd & 4th order radial dist.]
* 4: 4th & 6th order radial distortion terms and both tangential distortion ones are fixed [i.e. only 2nd order radial dist.]
* 5: all distortion parameters are kept fixed to their initial values
* >5: meaningless
* Used only when calibration varies among cameras and distortion is to be estimated
int cnp pnp mnp; /* dimensions */
double *ptparams; /* needed only when bundle adjusting for camera parameters only */
double *camparams; /* needed only when bundle adjusting for structure parameters only */
} globs;
/* unit quaternion from vector part */
#define _MK_QUAT_FRM_VEC(q v){ \
(q)[1]=(v)[0]; (q)[2]=(v)[1]; (q)[3]=(v)[2]; \
(q)[0]=sqrt(1.0 - (q)[1]*(q)[1]
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3633 2004-09-30 16:33 sba-1.6\demo\54cams.txt
文件 6001 2008-01-07 23:36 sba-1.6\demo\54camsvarK.txt
文件 7091 2009-08-31 18:55 sba-1.6\demo\54camsvarKD.txt
文件 776527 2004-09-30 16:33 sba-1.6\demo\54pts.txt
文件 460 2004-09-08 22:25 sba-1.6\demo\7cams.txt
文件 806 2008-01-07 23:33 sba-1.6\demo\7camsvarK.txt
文件 60389 2004-09-08 22:25 sba-1.6\demo\7pts.txt
文件 594 2004-09-08 22:25 sba-1.6\demo\9cams.txt
文件 1026 2008-01-07 23:37 sba-1.6\demo\9camsvarK.txt
文件 75483 2004-09-08 22:25 sba-1.6\demo\9pts.txt
文件 85 2004-09-08 22:25 sba-1.6\demo\calib.txt
文件 66580 2015-02-11 22:55 sba-1.6\demo\eucsbademo.c
文件 2227 2009-08-25 19:16 sba-1.6\demo\eucsbademo.h
文件 55017 2009-05-07 20:27 sba-1.6\demo\imgproj.c
文件 11542 2009-08-31 21:28 sba-1.6\demo\README.txt
文件 19516 2009-08-31 18:36 sba-1.6\demo\readparams.c
文件 1299 2009-08-31 18:36 sba-1.6\demo\readparams.h
目录 0 2015-02-11 23:38 sba-1.6\demo
文件 133320 2013-08-17 17:02 sba-1.6\documentation\heikkila97.pdf
文件 529139 2013-12-26 12:24 sba-1.6\documentation\imm3215.pdf
文件 529139 2013-08-14 14:58 sba-1.6\documentation\Madsen_lecture_notes.pdf
文件 682719 2013-08-11 16:37 sba-1.6\documentation\PRCV_colloq.pdf
文件 1724730 2014-01-01 22:47 sba-1.6\documentation\sba-toms.pdf
文件 296 2013-12-26 16:18 sba-1.6\documentation\文档说明.txt
目录 0 2015-02-11 23:30 sba-1.6\documentation
文件 16456182 2000-12-28 14:50 sba-1.6\lib\clapack.lib
目录 0 2015-02-11 23:38 sba-1.6\lib
文件 1702 2008-05-22 00:45 sba-1.6\sba\compiler.h
文件 3164 2009-08-06 21:44 sba-1.6\sba\README.txt
文件 7489 2009-08-20 20:22 sba-1.6\sba\sba.h
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