function [XrhoetaF] = cgls(Abkreorths)
%CGLS Conjugate gradient algorithm applied implicitly to the normal equations.
% [XrhoetaF] = cgls(Abkreorths)
% Performs k steps of the conjugate gradient algorithm applied
% implicitly to the normal equations A‘*A*x = A‘*b.
% The routine returns all k solutions stored as columns of
% the matrix X. The corresponding solution and residual norms
% are returned in the vectors eta and rho respectively.
% If the singular values s are also provided cgls computes the
% filter factors associated with each step and stores them
% columnwise in the matrix F.
% Reorthogonalization of the normal equation residual vectors
% A‘*(A*X(:i)-b) is controlled by means of reorth:
% reorth = 0 : no reorthogonalization (default)
% reorth = 1 : reorthogonalization by means of MGS.
% References: A. Bjorck “Numerical Methods for Least Squares Problems“
% SIAM Philadelphia 1996.
% C. R. Vogel “Solving ill-conditioned linear systems using the
% conjugate gradient method“ Report Dept. of Mathematical
% Sciences Montana State University 1987.
% Per Christian Hansen IMM April 8 2001.
% The fudge threshold is used to prevent filter factors from exploding.
fudge_thr = 1e-4;
% Initialization.
if (k < 1) error(‘Number of steps k must be positive‘) end
if (nargin==3) reorth = 0; end
if (nargout==4 & nargin<5) error(‘Too few input arguments‘) end
if (reorth<0 | reorth>1) error(‘Illegal reorth‘) end
[mn] = size(A); X = zeros(nk);
if (reorth==1) ATr = zeros(nk); end
if (nargout > 1)
eta = zeros(k1); rho = eta;
if (nargin==5)
F = zeros(nk); Fd = zeros(n1); s2 = s.^2;
% Prepare for CG iteration.
x = zeros(n1);
d = (b‘*A)‘; % A‘*b;
r = b;
normr2 = d‘*d;
if (reorth==1) ATr(:1) = d/norm(d); end
% Iterate.
for j=1:k
% Update x and r vectors.
Ad = A*d; alpha = normr2/(Ad‘*Ad);
x = x + alpha*d;
r = r - alpha*Ad;
s = (r‘*A)‘; % A‘*r;
% Reorthogonalize s to previous s-vectors if required.
if (reorth==1)
for i=1:j-1 s = s - (ATr(:i)‘*s)*ATr(:i); end
ATr(:j) = s/norm(s);
% Update d vector.
normr2_new = s‘*s;
beta = normr2_new/normr2;
normr2 = normr2_new;
d = s + beta*d;
X(:j) = x;
% Compute norms if required.
if (nargout>1) rho(j) = norm(r); end
if (nargout>2) eta(j) = norm(x); end
% Compute filter factors if required.
if (nargin==5)
if (j==1)
F(:1) = alpha*s2;
Fd = s2 - s2.*F(:1) + beta*s2;
F(:j) = F(:j-1) + alpha*Fd;
Fd = s2 - s2.*F(:j) + beta*Fd;
if (j > 2)
f = find(abs(F(:j-1)-1) < fudge_thr & abs(F(:j-2)-1) < fudge_thr);
if (length(f) > 0) F(fj) = ones(length(f)1); end
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2851 2002-08-26 16:03 ERT\cgls.m
文件 859901 2013-08-30 20:35 ERT\cirs.mat
文件 7445 2013-12-25 20:38 ERT\Currenteit.m
文件 21628 2013-08-30 20:07 ERT\empty-model.mphbin
文件 997626 2012-09-02 19:01 ERT\ert仿真操作过程_comsol.pdf
文件 361 2014-03-01 16:01 ERT\inversecgls.m
文件 1719 2013-12-25 21:22 ERT\JacobianERT.m
文件 5311 2013-12-25 20:53 ERT\measure.m
文件 3528 2013-08-30 20:56 ERT\measure1.m
文件 610 2013-12-25 21:35 ERT\nodeeit.m
文件 1432 2013-08-30 20:35 ERT\num.mat
文件 5534 2013-09-01 16:08 ERT\text.m
文件 3939 2013-08-30 19:00 ERT\text1.m
文件 1719 2013-08-30 20:35 ERT\uel.mat
文件 1682 2013-08-30 20:35 ERT\uref.mat
文件 492 2013-08-30 20:36 ERT\xy.mat
文件 130 2013-08-30 18:55 ERT\新建文本文档.txt
目录 0 2014-11-12 18:20 ERT
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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