802.11n 基于gnuradio实现 开源软件无线电(Gnuradio)或 开源软件定义无线电,是一个对学习、构建和部署软件定义无线电系统的免费软件工具包。发起于2001年,Gnuradio 现在成为GNU 的正式项目之一。慈善家John Gilmore 发起并捐助$320,000.00 (US) 给Eric Blossom 用来构建代码和维护。
#!/usr/bin/env python
__applicationName__ = “doxypy“
__blurb__ = “““
doxypy is an input filter for Doxygen. It preprocesses python
files so that docstrings of classes and functions are reformatted
into Doxygen-conform documentation blocks.
__doc__ = __blurb__ + \
In order to make Doxygen preprocess files through doxypy simply
add the following lines to your Doxyfile:
INPUT_FILTER = “python /path/to/doxypy.py“
__version__ = “0.4.1“
__date__ = “5th December 2008“
__website__ = “http://code.foosel.org/doxypy“
__author__ = (
“Philippe ‘demod‘ Neumann (doxypy at demod dot org)“
“Gina ‘foosel‘ Haeussge (gina at foosel dot net)“
__licenseName__ = “GPL v2“
__license__ = “““This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation either version 2 of the License or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not see .
import sys
import re
from optparse import OptionParser OptionGroup
class FSM(object):
“““Implements a finite state machine.
Transitions are given as 4-tuples consisting of an origin state a target
state a condition for the transition (given as a reference to a function
which gets called with a given piece of input) and a pointer to a function
to be called upon the execution of the given transition.
@var transitions holds the transitions
@var current_state holds the current state
@var current_input holds the current input
@var current_transition hold the currently active transition
def __init__(self start_state=None transitions=[]):
self.transitions = transitions
self.current_state = start_state
self.current_input = None
self.current_transition = None
def setStartState(self state):
self.current_state = state
def addTransition(self from_state to_state condition callback):
self.transitions.append([from_state to_state condition callback])
def makeTransition(self input):
“““ Makes a transition based on the given input.
@param input input to parse by the FSM
for transition in self.transitions:
[from_state to_state condition callback] = transition
if from_state == self.current_state:
match = condition(input)
if match:
self.current_state = to_state
self.current_input = input
self.current_transition = transition
if options.debug:
print >>sys.stderr “# FSM: executing (%s -> %s) for line ‘%s‘“ % (from_state to_state input)
class Doxypy(object):
def __init__(self):
- rtl8191s 802.11n 150m/300mbps无线网卡驱动程
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