function [h display_array] = displayData(X example_width)
%DISPLAYDATA Display 2D data in a nice grid
% [h display_array] = DISPLAYDATA(X example_width) displays 2D data
% stored in X in a nice grid. It returns the figure handle h and the
% displayed array if requested.
% Set example_width automatically if not passed in
if ~exist(‘example_width‘ ‘var‘) || isempty(example_width)
example_width = round(sqrt(size(X 2)));
% Gray Image
% Compute rows cols
[m n] = size(X);
example_height = (n / example_width);
% Compute number of items to display
display_rows = floor(sqrt(m));
display_cols = ceil(m / display_rows);
% Between images padding
pad = 1;
% Setup blank display
display_array = - ones(pad + display_rows * (example_height + pad) ...
pad + display_cols * (example_width + pad));
% Copy each example into a patch on the display array
curr_ex = 1;
for j = 1:display_rows
for i = 1:display_cols
if curr_ex > m
% Copy the patch
% Get the max value of the patch
max_val = max(abs(X(curr_ex :)));
display_array(pad + (j - 1) * (example_height + pad) + (1:example_height) ...
pad + (i - 1) * (example_width + pad) + (1:example_width)) = ...
reshape(X(curr_ex :) example_height example_width) / max_val;
curr_ex = curr_ex + 1;
if curr_ex > m
% Display Image
h = imagesc(display_array [-1 1]);
% Do not show axis
axis image off
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 1502 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\displayData.m
文件 3838 2018-10-21 09:53 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\ex3.m
文件 7511764 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\ex3data1.mat
文件 79592 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\ex3weights.mat
文件 3015 2018-10-21 12:04 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\ex3_nn.m
文件 8749 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\fmincg.m
文件 1624 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\jsonlab\AUTHORS.txt
文件 3862 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\jsonlab\ChangeLog.txt
文件 881 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\jsonlab\jsonopt.m
文件 1551 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\jsonlab\LICENSE_BSD.txt
文件 18732 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\jsonlab\loadjson.m
文件 15574 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\jsonlab\loadubjson.m
文件 771 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\jsonlab\mergestruct.m
文件 19369 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\jsonlab\README.txt
文件 17462 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\jsonlab\savejson.m
文件 16123 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\jsonlab\saveubjson.m
文件 1094 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\jsonlab\varargin2struct.m
文件 1195 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\makeValidFieldName.m
文件 5562 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\submitWithConfiguration.m
文件 2801 2018-10-20 08:15 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lrCostFunction.m
文件 3256 2018-10-20 10:32 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\oneVsAll.m
文件 1324 2018-10-21 11:52 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\predict.m
文件 1764 2018-10-21 11:20 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\predictOneVsAll.m
文件 137 2018-10-19 11:56 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\sigmoid.m
文件 1567 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\submit.m
文件 810219 2018-10-21 12:05 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3.pdf
目录 0 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib\jsonlab
目录 0 2017-03-13 18:40 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3\lib
目录 0 2018-10-21 12:05 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)\ex3
目录 0 2018-10-20 09:01 machine-learning-ex3(编程作业:多元分类与神经网络)
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