% This script is used to convert the output file (.dat .dep) of COMCOT into XYZ file (3 colomns)
% *.dep file: this is water depth data file formatted for COMCOT (v1.6 or earlier)
% *.xyz file: contains 3 columns representing gridded data
% coordinate data files layer##_x.dat and layer##_y.dat should be created
% first before using this script where ## stands for layer id.
% Output file: fname_out
function comcot2xyz()
cmax = 5; %change to adjust color scale
data_file = input(‘Input COMCOT data file name:‘);
x_file = input(‘Input X Coordinate file name (e.g.layer##_x.dat):‘);
y_file = input(‘Input Y Coordinate file name (e.g.layer##_y.dat):‘);
fname_out = input(‘Input output data file name:‘);
% fname = ‘etamax_layer01.dat‘
%load bathymetry data
disp(‘Loading Data into Memory...‘)
% layer = load(data_file);
layer_x = load(x_file);
layer_y = load(y_file);
[xy] = meshgrid(layer_xlayer_y);
nx = length(layer_x);
ny = length(layer_y);
fid = fopen(data_file);
a = fscanf(fid‘%g‘inf); % write all data into a column of matrix a.
layer = reshape(anxny);
% save data in XYZ-format
disp(‘Writing data into a XYZ-format file ...‘)
NN = nx*ny;
bathymetry = zeros(NN3);
iflip = 0; %iflip = 0: write from south to north; 1 - write data from north to south
if iflip == 1
data = reshape(anxny);
clear a
dataflip = flipud(data);
clear data
layer_y = flipud(layer_y);
for j = 1:ny
ks = (j-1)*nx+1;
ke = j*nx;
bathymetry(ks:ke1) = layer_x;
bathymetry(ks:ke2) = layer_y(j);
bathymetry(ks:ke3) = dataflip(1:nxj);
if iflip == 0
% bathymetry(:3) = a;
for j = 1:ny
ks = (j-1)*nx+1;
ke = j*nx;
bathymetry(ks:ke1) = layer_x;
bathymetry(ks:ke2) = layer_y(j);
bathymetry(ks:ke3) = layer(:j);
clear flowdepth
fid = fopen(fname_out‘.xyz‘]‘w+‘);
%write dimension of slide data slide(nxnynt)
%write x coordinates
for i=1:NN
fprintf(fid‘%17.6f %17.6f %8.3f\n‘bathymetry(i1)bathymetry(i2)bathymetry(i3));
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 30640 2009-04-09 10:08 comcot.f90
文件 35128 2009-04-11 23:29 deform.f90
文件 63582 2009-03-19 20:40 dispersion.f90
文件 5656 2009-03-19 20:46 hotstart.f90
文件 97107 2009-04-11 21:49 initialization.f90
文件 12120 2009-04-11 19:25 landslide.f90
文件 7477 2009-03-19 20:43 mass.f90
文件 39168 2009-03-19 20:43 moment.f90
文件 58272 2009-04-11 21:53 output.f90
文件 12483 2009-04-04 19:24 type_module.f90
文件 13306 2009-03-19 20:46 wavemaker.f90
文件 2218 2009-03-21 22:16 comcot2xyz.m
文件 14409 2009-04-08 11:32 data_proc.m
文件 694 2009-02-23 07:48 dislocation_calc_M0.m
文件 694 2009-02-23 07:48 dislocation_calc_Mw.m
文件 2141 2009-03-21 09:29 plot_arrow.m
文件 1131 2009-01-14 16:06 plot_bath.m
文件 3035 2009-03-22 00:50 plot_deform.m
文件 1210 2009-01-11 21:51 plot_faultseg.m
文件 4202 2009-03-24 21:46 plot_flowdepth.m
文件 1126 2009-04-09 15:35 plot_ini.m
文件 1107 2009-02-26 08:30 plot_region.m
文件 1685 2009-02-03 09:39 plot_zmax.m
文件 5728 2009-03-21 11:46 quiver.m
文件 493 2009-02-05 16:14 spectrum_calc.m
文件 3664 2009-01-11 21:55 sph_to_utm.m
文件 1959 2009-01-05 02:07 stereo_proj.m
文件 3784 2009-01-11 21:55 utm_to_sph.m
文件 454 2009-02-25 10:41 Wells_CopperSmith.m
文件 563045 2009-03-12 11:47 COMCOT User Manual v1.7.pdf
文件 1142784 2009-04-12 11:45 comcot.exe
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