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    发布日期: 2023-10-24
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  • 标签: zigbee  


A rapidly growing industrial consortium, called the ZigBee1 Alliance [1], have more than 100 companies working together to enable reliable, cost-effective, low- power, wirelessly networked products. The alliance selects IEEE 802.15.4 [2] as MAC and PHY layer standard, and just ratified the ZigBee specifications for network and higher layers in December 2004. Expected Applications for ZigBee include wireless sensor networks for remote monitoring, home control, and industrial automation. Some prototypes and products compatible with ZigBee standards have already appeared ([1]). In contrast to the intensive industrial activities on ZigBee, academic research is still at its early stage ([3,



 属性            大小     日期    时间   名称
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     文件     528977  2005-09-22 15:11  zigbee英文文献\Efficient and Reliable Broadcast in ZigBee.pdf

     文件    1992082  2005-09-22 15:11  zigbee英文文献\ICT32_icu.kim.pdf

     文件     198515  2005-09-22 15:03  zigbee英文文献\Image Transmission over IEEE 802.15.4 and.pdf

     文件     186791  2005-09-22 15:17  zigbee英文文献\Middleware for Wireless Process Control Systems.pdf

     文件    2406282  2005-09-22 15:17  zigbee英文文献\PAWS Personal Action Wireless Sensor.pdf

     文件     604090  2005-09-22 14:55  zigbee英文文献\Reliable Broadcasting in ZigBee Networks.pdf

     文件     604463  2005-09-22 15:17  zigbee英文文献\The ZRLWireless Sensor Networking Testbed.pdf

     文件      33995  2005-09-22 15:17  zigbee英文文献\Wireless Automotive Communications.pdf

     文件     149953  2005-09-22 15:12  zigbee英文文献\Wireless Automotive Sensor Network.pdf

     文件     420580  2006-03-22 14:57  zigbee英文文献\zigbee Alliance Overview.pdf

     文件      71577  2005-09-22 14:50  zigbee英文文献\Zigbee Wireless Swimming Trainer.pdf

     文件    2930779  2005-09-22 15:10  zigbee英文文献\ZIGBEE-A SUITABLE base FOR embedDED.pdf

     文件      83321  2005-09-22 14:52  zigbee英文文献\ZigBee-ready modules for sensor networking.pdf

     文件     783768  2005-09-22 15:09  zigbee英文文献\ZigBeeGuide – Location based information system.pdf

     文件    1589230  2005-09-22 14:59  zigbee英文文献\ZigBeeIEEE 802.15.4 Summary.pdf

     文件     264355  2005-09-22 15:16  zigbee英文文献\新建文件夹\P2P Mobile Sensor Networks.pdf

     目录          0  2006-06-22 11:18  zigbee英文文献\新建文件夹

     目录          0  2006-06-22 11:18  zigbee英文文献

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