vxWorks 的源码,包括src lib h等比较完成的源码,好不容易才弄到,希望对大家学习vxworks有帮助,同时也是很好的vxworks编程参考
/* $Header: /usr/cvsroot/target/h/wrn/wm/util/layout/test.cv 2001/11/05 17:47:20 tneale Exp $ */
* *** Restricted Rights Legend ***
* The programs and information contained herein are licensed only
* pursuant to a license agreement that contains use reverse
* engineering disclosure and other restrictions; accordingly it
* is “Unpublished--all rights reserved under the applicable
* copyright laws“.
* Use duplication or disclosure by the Government is subject to
* restrictions as set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights
* in Technical Data and Computer Licensed Programs clause of DFARS
* 52.227 7013.
* Copyright 2000-2001 Wind River Systems Inc.
* Copyright 1997 Epilogue Technology Corporation.
* Copyright 1998 Integrated Systems Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* *** Government Use ***
* The Licensed Programs and their documentation were developed at
* private expense and no part of them is in the public domain.
* The Licensed Programs are “Restricted Computer Software“ as that
* term is defined in Clause 52.227-19 of the Federal Acquisition
* Regulations (FAR) and are “Commercial Computer Software“ as that
* term is defined in Subpart 227.401 of the Department of Defense
* Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement (DFARS).
* (i) If the licensed Programs are supplied to the Department of
* Defense (DoD) the Licensed Programs are classified as
* “Commercial Computer Software“ and the Government is acquiring
* only “restricted rights“ in the Licensed Programs and their
* documentation as that term is defined in Clause 52.227
* 7013(c)(1) of the DFARS and
* (ii) If the Licensed Programs are supplied to any unit or agency
* of the United States Government other than DoD the
* Government‘s rights in the Licensed Programs and their
* documentation will be as defined in Clause 52.227-19(c)(2) of
* the FAR.
* Test the .h files generated from .ldb files.
* $Log: test.cv $
* Revision 2001/11/05 17:47:20 tneale
* Tornado shuffle
* Revision 1.10 2001/01/19 22:22:34 paul
* Update copyright.
* Revision 1.9 2000/03/17 00:16:06 meister
* Update copyright message
* Revision 1.8 1998/11/23 20:54:36 wes
* Add layout-macro description for DHCP packets.
* Revision 1.7 1998/04/09 21:49:12 wes
* Make netime use layout macros
* Revision 1.6 1998/04/08 17:01:13 wes
* Add TFTP layout macros
* Revision 1.5 1998/02/25 04:54:15 sra
* Update copyrights.
* Revision 1.4 1997/11/18 03:18:35 sra
* Brand new PAP and CHAP code for PPP.
* Revision 1.3 1997/10/30 19:29:20 sra
* Silence a silly warning.
* Revision 1.2 1997/09/26 20:37:47 alan
* Don‘t include types.h and ldbglue.h -- let other
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 3472 2004-12-03 11:05 vxWorks\h\adrSpaceLib.h
文件 542 2004-12-03 11:05 vxWorks\h\adrSpaceShow.h
文件 9020 2005-09-03 09:05 vxWorks\h\aimCacheLib.h
文件 1789 2004-12-03 11:05 vxWorks\h\aimMmuba
文件 6850 2005-06-29 20:52 vxWorks\h\aimMmuLib.h
文件 2553 2005-07-14 00:07 vxWorks\h\aio.h
文件 1191 2005-06-29 20:56 vxWorks\h\aioSysDrv.h
文件 1592 2001-07-14 04:33 vxWorks\h\altivecLib.h
文件 7087 2005-09-03 09:05 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\archArm.h
文件 1311 2004-12-03 11:07 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\archArmCommon.h
文件 7929 2005-10-15 05:21 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\arm.h
文件 958 2004-12-03 11:07 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\asmArm.h
文件 1347 2005-06-29 20:53 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\cacheArm1136jfLib.h
文件 1115 2005-06-29 20:53 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\cacheArm926eLib.h
文件 1607 2005-06-29 20:53 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\cacheArmArch6.h
文件 4002 2005-06-29 20:53 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\cacheArmLib.h
文件 1808 2005-06-29 20:53 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\cacheArmXSCALELib.h
文件 513 2004-12-03 11:07 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\coprocArm.h
文件 1302 2005-06-29 20:53 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\dbgArmLib.h
文件 3046 2005-06-29 20:53 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\dsmArmLib.h
文件 3446 2005-08-10 03:52 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\elfArm.h
文件 958 2004-12-03 11:06 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\esfArm.h
文件 2443 2004-01-10 03:55 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\excArmLib.h
文件 1160 1999-08-16 12:08 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\fppArmLib.h
文件 2172 2003-10-12 07:42 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\intArmLib.h
文件 4856 2005-09-03 09:05 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\in_cksum.h
文件 541 1999-08-16 12:08 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\ivArm.h
文件 3803 2005-06-29 20:53 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\mmuArm1136jfLib.h
文件 961 2005-06-29 20:53 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\mmuArm710aLib.h
文件 4225 2005-06-29 20:53 vxWorks\h\arch\arm\mmuArm926eLib.h
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