This software module was originally developed by
Simon Winder (swinder@microsoft.com) Microsoft Corporation
in the course of development of the MPEG-4 Video (ISO/IEC 14496-2).
This software module is an implementation of a part of one or more MPEG-4 Video tools
as specified by the MPEG-4 Video.
ISO/IEC gives users of the MPEG-4 Video free license to this software module or modifications
thereof for use in hardware or software products claiming conformance to the MPEG-4 Video.
Those intending to use this software module in hardware or software products are advised that its use may infringe existing patents.
The original developer of this software module and his/her company
the subsequent editors and their companies
and ISO/IEC have no liability for use of this software module or modifications thereof in an implementation.
Copyright is not released for non MPEG-4 Video conforming products.
Sharp retains full right to use the code for his/her own purpose
assign or donate the code to a third party and to inhibit third parties from using the code for non conforming products.
This copyright notice must be included in all copies or derivative works.
Copyright (c) 1997.
typedef unsigned int UInt;
typedef int Int;
typedef void Void;
typedef int Bool;
typedef double Double;
typedef enum {Q_H263 Q_MPEG} Quantizer;
typedef enum AlphaUsage {RECTANGLE ONE_BIT EIGHT_BIT} AlphaUsage;
typedef enum ChromType {FOUR_FOUR_FOUR FOUR_TWO_TWO FOUR_TWO_ZERO} ChromType;
typedef char Char;
typedef struct {
Int iOnOff;
Int iCycle;
} RRVmodeStr;
Void nextValidLine (FILE *pfPara UInt* pnLine);
Void readBoolVOLFlag (Bool * rgbTable [2] UInt nVO FILE * pfCfg UInt * pnLine Bool bAnyScalability);
Void readItem(UInt *rguiTable [2] UInt nVO FILE * pfCfg UInt * pnLine Bool bAnyScalability);
#define base_layer 0
#define ENHN_layer 1
#define FALSE 0
#define TRUE 1
#define RC_MPEG4 1
#define RC_TM5 3
Void fatal_error(char *pchError Bool bFlag = FALSE);
void my_assert(int iFlag)
fatal_error(“Some assert failed! Check original par file format.\nSorry to be non-specific but monkeys wrote this section.\n“);
Int main (Int argc Char* argv[])
UInt nLine = 1;
UInt* pnLine = &nLine;
FILE *pfPara;
FILE *pfOut = stdout;
if (argc != 2 && argc !=3)
fprintf (stderr“Usage: %s old_par_file [new_par_file]\n“ argv[0]);
fatal_error(“Conversion aborted“);
if ((pfPara = fopen (argv[1] “r“)) == NULL )
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2004-02-08 19:11 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\
目录 0 2004-02-08 19:11 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\app\
目录 0 2004-02-08 19:11 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\app\convertpar\
文件 98139 2003-12-01 16:08 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\app\convertpar\convertpar.cpp
文件 4332 2000-12-07 01:55 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\app\convertpar\convertpar.dsp
目录 0 2004-02-08 19:11 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\app\decoder\
文件 61136 2004-02-08 19:18 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\app\decoder\decoder.cpp
文件 15657 2004-02-08 19:19 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\app\decoder\decoder.dsp
目录 0 2004-02-08 19:11 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\app\encoder\
文件 91620 2004-02-08 19:22 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\app\encoder\encoder.cpp
文件 16747 2004-02-08 20:31 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\app\encoder\encoder.dsp
文件 746 2003-07-09 14:45 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\app\ms_mpeg4.dsw
文件 1850 2000-12-07 01:55 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\cpptocc.sh
目录 0 2004-02-08 19:11 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\
文件 81920 2000-12-07 01:55 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\avitoyuv.exe
文件 11687 2000-12-14 07:58 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\brea_cif.cmp
文件 7308 2004-02-11 02:00 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\brea_cif.par
文件 6954 2000-12-14 07:59 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\brea_qcif.cmp
文件 7307 2004-02-11 02:03 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\brea_qcif.par
文件 73728 2000-12-07 01:55 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\convertpar.exe
文件 491520 2004-02-17 14:30 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\decoder.exe
文件 7294 2000-12-05 01:00 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\demo_brea_cif.par
文件 7294 2000-12-05 01:00 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\demo_brea_qcif.par
文件 7309 2004-02-08 02:56 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\demo_stef_cif.par
文件 712704 2004-02-17 14:31 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\encoder.exe
目录 0 2004-02-08 19:11 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\ERSSP\
文件 11690 2004-02-10 01:18 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\ERSSP\iso_temporal_1.par
文件 11699 2004-02-10 01:18 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\ERSSP\iso_temporal_2.par
文件 11700 2004-02-10 01:51 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\ERSSP\iso_temporal_3.par
文件 11469 2004-02-07 23:40 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\ERSSP\SSP_Spatial_BNDP_Stefan.par
文件 11471 2004-02-10 00:25 microsoft-v2.5-040207-NTU\demo\ERSSP\SSP_Spatial_PDP_News.par
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