* tk3d.c --
* This module provides procedures to draw borders in the
* three-dimensional Motif style.
* Copyright (c) 1990-1994 The Regents of the University of California.
* Copyright (c) 1994-1997 Sun Microsystems Inc.
* See the file “license.terms“ for information on usage and redistribution of
* this file and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
#include “tkInt.h“
#include “tk3d.h“
* The following table defines the string values for reliefs which are used
* by Tk_GetReliefFromObj.
static const char *const reliefStrings[] = {
“flat“ “groove“ “raised“ “ridge“ “solid“ “sunken“ NULL
* Forward declarations for functions defined in this file:
static void BorderInit(TkDisplay *dispPtr);
static void DupBorderObjProc(Tcl_Obj *srcObjPtr
Tcl_Obj *dupObjPtr);
static void FreeBorderObj(Tcl_Obj *objPtr);
static void FreeBorderObjProc(Tcl_Obj *objPtr);
static int Intersect(XPoint *a1Ptr XPoint *a2Ptr
XPoint *b1Ptr XPoint *b2Ptr XPoint *iPtr);
static void InitBorderObj(Tcl_Obj *objPtr);
static void ShiftLine(XPoint *p1Ptr XPoint *p2Ptr
int distance XPoint *p3Ptr);
* The following structure defines the implementation of the “border“ Tcl
* object used for drawing. The border object remembers the hash table entry
* associated with a border. The actual allocation and deallocation of the
* border should be done by the configuration package when the border option
* is set.
const Tcl_ObjType tkBorderObjType = {
“border“ /* name */
FreeBorderObjProc /* freeIntRepProc */
DupBorderObjProc /* dupIntRepProc */
NULL /* updateStringProc */
NULL /* setFromAnyProc */
* Tk_Alloc3DBorderFromObj --
* Given a Tcl_Obj * map the value to a corresponding Tk_3DBorder
* structure based on the tkwin given.
* Results:
* The return value is a token for a data structure describing a 3-D
* border. This token may be passed to functions such as
* Tk_Draw3DRectangle and Tk_Free3DBorder. If an error prevented the
* border from being created then NULL is returned and an error message
* will be left in the interp‘s result.
* Side effects:
* The border is added to an internal database with a reference count.
* For each call to this function there should eventually be a call to
* FreeBorderObj so that the database is cleaned up when borders aren‘t
* in use anymore.
Tcl_Interp *interp /* Interp for error results. */
Tk_Window tkwin /* Need the screen the border is used on.*/
Tcl_Obj *objPtr) /* object giving name of color for window
* background. */
TkBorder *borderPtr;
if (objPtr->typePtr != &tkBorderObjType) {
borderPtr = objPtr->internalRep.twoPtrValue.ptr1;
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