已经在windows下编译好的32位Botan-2.10.0, 可以直接使用
Python wrapper of the botan crypto library
(C) 201520172018 Jack Lloyd
(C) 2015 Uri Blumenthal (extensions and patches)
Botan is released under the Simplified BSD License (see license.txt)
This module uses the ctypes module and is usable by programs running
under at least CPython 2.7 CPython 3.x and PyPy
It uses botan‘s ffi module which exposes a C API. This version of the
module requires FFI API version 20180713 which was introduced in
Botan 2.8
from ctypes import CDLL POINTER byref create_string_buffer \
c_void_p c_size_t c_uint8 c_uint32 c_uint64 c_int c_char c_char_p
from sys import version_info
from time import strptime mktime
from binascii import hexlify
from datetime import datetime
# base exception for all exceptions raised from this module
class BotanException(Exception):
def __init__(self message rc=0):
self.__rc = rc
if rc == 0:
super(BotanException self).__init__(message)
descr = botan.botan_error_description(rc).decode(‘ascii‘)
super(BotanException self).__init__(“%s: %d (%s)“ % (message rc descr))
def error_code(self):
return self.__rc
# Module initialization
def load_botan_dll(expected_version):
possible_dll_names = [‘libbotan-2.dylib‘ ‘libbotan-2.so‘] + \
[‘libbotan-2.so.%d‘ % (v) for v in reversed(range(8 16))]
for dll_name in possible_dll_names:
dll = CDLL(dll_name)
dll.botan_ffi_supports_api.argtypes = [c_uint32]
dll.botan_ffi_supports_api.restype = c_int
if dll.botan_ffi_supports_api(expected_version) == 0:
return dll
except OSError:
return None
botan = load_botan_dll(BOTAN_FFI_VERSION) # pylint: disable=invalid-name
if botan is None:
raise BotanException(“Could not find a usable Botan shared object library“)
# ctypes function prototypes
def errcheck_for(fn_name):
def errcheck(rc _func _args):
# No idea what to do if return value isn‘t an int just return it
if not isinstance(rc int):
return rc
if rc >= 0:
return rc
if rc == -10: # insufficient buffer space pass up to caller
return rc
raise BotanException(‘%s failed‘ % (fn_name) rc)
return errcheck
botan.botan_version_string.argtypes = []
botan.botan_version_string.restype = c_char_p
botan.botan_error_description.argtypes = [c_int]
botan.botan_error_description.restype = c_char_p
botan.botan_rng_init.argtypes = [c_void_p c_char_p]
botan.botan_rng_init.errcheck = errcheck_for(‘botan_rng_init‘)
botan.botan_rng_destroy.argtypes = [c_void_p]
botan.botan_rng_destroy.errcheck = errcheck_for(‘botan_rng_destroy‘)
botan.botan_rng_reseed.argtypes = [c_void_p c_size_t]
botan.botan_rng_reseed.errcheck = errcheck_for(‘bota
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