using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
[CustomEditor( typeof( SongData ) )]
public class SongDataEditor : Editor
//Needed to draw 2D lines and rectangles
private static Texture2D _coloredLineTexture;
private static Color _coloredLineColor;
private Gameobject Guitarobject;
private AudioSource MetronomeSource;
private SongPlayer SongPlayer;
private AudioClip LastAudioClip;
//Dimensions of the editor
//Song View is the one with the black background where you can add notes etc.
//ProgressBar or Progress View is the small preview on the right where you can navigate through the song
private Rect SongViewRect;
private float SongViewProgressBarWidth = 20f;
private float SongViewHeight = 400f;
//Metronome Vars
private static bool UseMetronome;
private float LastMetronomeBeat = Mathf.NegativeInfinity;
//Helper vars to handle mouse clicks
private Vector2 MouseUpPosition = Vector2.zero;
private bool LastClickWasRightMouseButton;
//Currently selected note index
private int SelectedNote = -1;
//Song overview texture (the one on the right which you can use to navigate)
private Texture2D ProgressViewTexture;
//Timer to calculate editor performance
Timer PerformanceTimer = new Timer();
[MenuItem( “Assets/Create/Song“ )]
public static void CreateNewSongAsset()
SongData asset = scriptableobject.CreateInstance();
AssetDatabase.CreateAsset( asset “Assets/NewSong.asset“ );
Selection.activeobject = asset;
protected void OnEnable()
//Setup object references
Guitarobject = Gameobject.Find( “Guitar“ );
if( Guitarobject == null )
SongPlayer = Guitarobject.GetComponentyer>();
MetronomeSource = Gameobject.Find( “Metronome“ ).GetComponent();
LastAudioClip = SongPlayer.Song.BackgroundTrack;
//Prepare playback
SongPlayer.SetSong( (SongData)target );
LastMetronomeBeat = -Mathf.Ceil( SongPlayer.Song.AudioStartBeatOffset );
protected void RedrawProgressViewTexture()
int width = (int)SongViewProgressBarWidth;
int height = (int)SongViewHeight;
if( !ProgressViewTexture )
//Create empty texture if it doesn‘t exist
ProgressViewTexture = new Texture2D( width height );
ProgressViewTexture.wrapMode = TextureWrapMode.Clamp;
//Draw Background Color
Color[] BackgroundColor = new Color[ width * height ];
for( int i = 0; i < width * height; ++i )
BackgroundColor[ i ] = new Color( 0.13f 0.1f 0.26f );
ProgressViewTexture.SetPixels( 0 0 width height BackgroundColor );
//Calculate the scale in which the notes are drawn so they all fit into the progress view
float totalBeats = SongPlayer.Song.GetLengthInBeats();
float heightOfOneBeat = 1f / totalBeats * (float)height;
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