核极限学习机 机器学习 高斯核 线性核 小波核
function [TrainingTime TestingTime TrainingAccuracy TestingAccuracyTY] = elm_kernel(TrainingData_File TestingData_File Elm_Type Regularization_coefficient Kernel_type Kernel_para)
% Usage: elm(TrainingData_File TestingData_File Elm_Type NumberofHiddenNeurons ActivationFunction)
% OR: [TrainingTime TestingTime TrainingAccuracy TestingAccuracy] = elm(TrainingData_File TestingData_File Elm_Type NumberofHiddenNeurons ActivationFunction)
% Input:
% TrainingData_File - Filename of training data set
% TestingData_File - Filename of testing data set
% Elm_Type - 0 for regression; 1 for (both binary and multi-classes) classification
% Regularization_coefficient - Regularization coefficient C
% Kernel_type -
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 7866 2012-03-05 17:57 elm_kernel.m
- 上一篇:滴滴出行行程报销单.docx
- 下一篇:LM迭代优化算法
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