1.The USB 3.0 Specification released on November 12, 2008
2.USB 3.0 Adopters Agreement
3.New Addition of Link Command LDN Engineering Change Notice as of April 4, 2009
4.USB 3.0 Standard-B and Standard-B Crosstalk Engineering Change Notice as of April 4, 2009
5.Reset Propagation Engineering Change Notice as of May 8, 2009
6.Reset Propagation Figure
7.Q1 09 USB 3.0 Errata as of May 15, 2009
8.Clarification on the Chamfer on USB 3.0 Micro Connectors ECN as of March 23, 2010
9.Maximum Unmating Force Value Definition to USB 3.0 Micro Connectors ECN as of March 23, 2010
10.State Machines Engineering Change Notice as of June 9, 2010
11.Efficient ISO and PINGs Engineering Change Notice as of June 9, 2010
12.Contact Plating Thickness Engineering Change Notice as of June 9, 2010
13.Standard-B Connector Near End Crosstalk Engineering Change Notice as of June 9, 2010
14.USB 3.0 Errata as of June 9, 2010
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 4150040 2018-09-03 14:25 usb_30_spec_032310.zip
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文件 4150040 2018-09-03 14:25 usb_30_spec_032310.zip
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