* CS:APP Data Lab
* bits.c - Source file with your solutions to the Lab.
* This is the file you will hand in to your instructor.
* WARNING: Do not include the header; it confuses the dlc
* compiler. You can still use printf for debugging without including
* although you might get a compiler warning. In general
* it‘s not good practice to ignore compiler warnings but in this
* case it‘s OK.
#if 0
* Instructions to Students:
* STEP 1: Read the following instructions carefully.
You will provide your solution to the Data Lab by
editing the collection of functions in this source file.
Replace the “return“ statement in each function with one
or more lines of C code that implements the function. Your code
must conform to the following style:
int Funct(arg1 arg2 ...) {
/* brief description of how your implementation works */
int var1 = Expr1;
int varM = ExprM;
varJ = ExprJ;
varN = ExprN;
return ExprR;
Each “Expr“ is an expression using ONLY the following:
1. Integer constants 0 through 255 (0xFF) inclusive. You are
not allowed to use big constants such as 0xffffffff.
2. Function arguments and local variables (no global variables).
3. Unary integer operations ! ~
4. Binary integer operations & ^ | + << >>
Some of the problems restrict the set of allowed operators even further.
Each “Expr“ may consist of multiple operators. You are not restricted to
one operator per line.
You are expressly forbidden to:
1. Use any control constructs such as if do while for switch etc.
2. Define or use any macros.
3. Define any additional functions in this file.
4. Call any functions.
5. Use any other operations such as && || - or ?:
6. Use any form of casting.
7. Use any data type other than int. This implies that you
cannot use arrays structs or unions.
You may assume that your machine:
1. Uses 2s complement 32-bit representations of integers.
2. Performs right shifts arithmetically.
3. Has unpredictable behavior when shifting an integer by more
than the word size.
* pow2plus1 - returns 2^x + 1 where 0 <= x <= 31
int pow2plus1(int x) {
/* exploit ability of shifts to compute powers of 2 */
return (1 << x) + 1;
* pow2plus4 - returns 2^x + 4 where 0 <= x <= 31
int pow2plus4(int x) {
/* exploit ability of shifts to compute powers of 2 */
int result = (1 << x);
result += 4;
return result;
For the problems that require you to implent floating-point operations
the coding rules are less strict. You are allowed to use looping and
conditional control. You are allowed to use both ints and unsigneds.
You can use arbitrary integer and unsigned constan
- 上一篇:数据挖掘与机器学习课设
- 下一篇:MQ7一氧化碳传感器源码.zip
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