S57类和实现源代码,包括一个iso 8211源文件,能够读取标准电子海图000文件
#include “stdafx.h“
#include “CplConv.h“
#include “CplString.h“
static char **papszConfigOptions = NULL;
/* CPLCalloc() */
* Safe version of calloc().
* This function is like the C library calloc() but raises a CE_Fatal
* error with CPLError() if it fails to allocate the desired memory. It
* should be used for small memory allocations that are unlikely to fail
* and for which the application is unwilling to test for out of memory
* conditions. It uses VSICalloc() to get the memory so any hooking of
* VSICalloc() will apply to CPLCalloc() as well. CPLFree() or VSIFree()
* can be used free memory allocated by CPLCalloc().
* @param nCount number of objects to allocate.
* @param nSize size (in bytes) of object to allocate.
* @return pointer to newly allocated memory only NULL if nSize * nCount is
void *CPLCalloc( size_t nCount size_t nSize )
void *pReturn;
if( nSize * nCount == 0 )
return NULL;
pReturn = VSICalloc( nCount nSize );
if( pReturn == NULL )
CPLError( CE_Fatal CPLE_OutOfMemory
“CPLCalloc(): Out of memory allocating %d bytes.\n“
nSize * nCount );
return pReturn;
/* CPLMalloc() */
* Safe version of malloc().
* This function is like the C library malloc() but raises a CE_Fatal
* error with CPLError() if it fails to allocate the desired memory. It
* should be used for small memory allocations that are unlikely to fail
* and for which the application is unwilling to test for out of memory
* conditions. It uses VSIMalloc() to get the memory so any hooking of
* VSIMalloc() will apply to CPLMalloc() as well. CPLFree() or VSIFree()
* can be used free memory allocated by CPLMalloc().
* @param nSize size (in bytes) of memory block to allocate.
* @return pointer to newly allocated memory only NULL if nSize is zero.
void *CPLMalloc( size_t nSize )
void *pReturn;
if( nSize == 0 )
return NULL;
pReturn = VSIMalloc( nSize );
if( pReturn == NULL )
CPLError( CE_Fatal CPLE_OutOfMemory
“CPLMalloc(): Out of memory allocating %d bytes.\n“
nSize );
return pReturn;
/* CPLRealloc() */
* Safe version of realloc().
* This function i
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
目录 0 2008-05-05 09:33 ParseS57
文件 3234 2006-05-21 07:54 ParseS57\CplConfig.h
文件 39937 2006-05-21 07:50 ParseS57\CplConv.cpp
文件 5927 2006-05-21 07:59 ParseS57\CplConv.h
文件 17737 2006-05-21 07:59 ParseS57\CplError.cpp
文件 2170 2006-05-21 08:51 ParseS57\CplError.h
文件 10670 2006-05-21 07:54 ParseS57\CplPort.h
文件 40833 2006-05-21 08:03 ParseS57\CplString.cpp
文件 3709 2006-05-21 08:04 ParseS57\CplString.h
文件 0 2000-11-05 00:44 ParseS57\CplVsi.cpp
文件 6582 2006-05-21 07:55 ParseS57\CplVsi.h
文件 11461 2006-05-21 08:08 ParseS57\CplVsisimple.cpp
目录 0 2008-04-29 18:38 ParseS57\data
文件 1006148 2008-01-21 14:27 ParseS57\data\GB4X0000.000
文件 10963 2006-05-21 08:21 ParseS57\DDFField.cpp
文件 26737 2006-05-21 08:19 ParseS57\DDFFieldDefn.cpp
文件 100 2006-05-21 01:54 ParseS57\DDFFieldDefn.h
文件 23346 2006-05-21 07:59 ParseS57\DDFModule.cpp
文件 91 2006-05-21 01:51 ParseS57\DDFModule.h
文件 71037 2006-05-21 08:19 ParseS57\DDFRecord.cpp
文件 29040 2006-05-21 08:19 ParseS57\DDFSubfieldDefn.cpp
文件 2526 2006-05-21 08:27 ParseS57\DDFUtils.cpp
目录 0 2008-04-29 18:34 ParseS57\Debug
文件 0 2000-11-05 00:44 ParseS57\ff.h
文件 606 2006-05-19 07:42 ParseS57\FView.cpp
文件 463 2008-02-22 10:19 ParseS57\FView.h
文件 9721 2006-05-21 10:20 ParseS57\iso8211.h
文件 2807 2006-05-19 08:52 ParseS57\MainFrm.cpp
文件 773 2006-05-19 07:13 ParseS57\MainFrm.h
文件 629 2008-02-21 21:53 ParseS57\mydebug.h
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