function antpar=antparset(varargin)
%ANTPARSET Antenna parameter configuration for SCM
% ANTPAR=ANTPARSET sets default parameters for the input struct ANTPAR.
% Default parameters are [ {default} ]:
% BsGainPattern - complex BS array element field patterns [ {1} | 4D-array]
% BsGainAnglesAz - azimuth angles (degrees) for BsGainPattern [ {linspace(-18018090)} ]
% BsGainAnglesEl - elevation angles (not used currently)
% BsElementPosition - element spacing for BS linear array in wavelenghts [ {0.5} ]
% MsGainPattern - complex MS array element field patterns [ {1} | 4D-array]
% MsGainAnglesAz - azimuth angles (degrees) for MsGainPattern [ {linspace(-18018090)} ]
% MsGainAnglesEl - elevation angles (not used currently)
% MsElementPosition - element spacing for MS linear array in wavelenghts [ {0.5} ]
% InterpFunction - name of the interpolation function [{‘interp_gain‘}]
% InterpMethod - interpolation method used [{‘cubic‘}]
% Some notes about the antenna parameters:
% - The complex field patterns are given in linear scale. The antenna gain
% is 20*log10(abs(BsGainPattern)).
% - Field patterns should be defined over the full 360 degree azimuth
% angle. Unless BsGainPattern is a scalar (see below) the intermediate
% values will be interpolated.
% - Only linear arrays are supported currently. The element spacings can
% be given (in wavelengths) in the vectors BsElementPosition and
% MsElementPosition. When a scalar is given (default) uniform spacing
% is assumed.
% - If BsGainPattern and/or MsGainPattern field is a scalar the antenna
% field pattern is assumed constant (equal to the scalar) over the whole
% azimuth angle. For example setting BsGainPattern=SQRT(1.64) (2.15 dB)
% would correspond to a BS dipole array with NumBsElements (see below).
% - When BsGainPattern (MsGainPattern) is a scalar the number of the
% BS (MS) antenna elements is determined from parameters NumBsElements
% (NumMsElements) in the input struct SCMPAR (see SCMPARSET). Otherwise
% the number of elements in the link end is deduced from the dimensions
% of the 4D-array BsGainPattern (MsGainPattern).
% - If BsGainPattern (MsGainPattern) is not a scalar it must be a complex
% 4D-array with dimensions NUM_ELxPOLxELxAZ where NUM_EL is the
% number of array elements POL is 1 or 2 EL is arbitrary and AZ
% is LENGTH(BsGainAnglesAz). If ‘polarized‘ option is used the
% (:11:)th dimension is assumed the vertical polarization and (:21:)
% is assumed the horizontal polarization. Otherwise only the (:11:)th
% dimensions are used. The size of the third dimension is unimportant
% as elevation is not used in the current implementation.
% - SIZE(BsGainPattern4) must equal LENGTH(BsAnglesAz). In other words
% all element patterns ar
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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文件 4854 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\antparset.m
文件 8308 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\block_mimoofdm_est.asv
文件 8309 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\block_mimoofdm_est.m
文件 4230 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\calculate_RSRP.asv
文件 4263 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\calculate_RSRP.m
文件 3512451 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\calculate_RSRQ1.mat
文件 3517315 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\calculate_RSRQ2.mat
文件 838 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\calculate_RSRQdc.mat
文件 1142 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\calculate_shadow_fading.asv
文件 1616 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\calculate_shadow_fading.m
文件 2015 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\cas.m
文件 1087 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\Contents.m
文件 48143 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uefix2no102.mat
文件 47992 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uefix3no102.mat
文件 47909 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uefix4no102.mat
文件 47951 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uefix5no102.mat
文件 47908 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uefix5no102part2.mat
文件 47805 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uefix6no102.mat
文件 47865 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uefix6no102part2.mat
文件 48640 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uen14to6no102.mat
文件 32056 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uev40beta19n12to6no102no110.mat
文件 31175 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uev40beta19n13to6no102no110.mat
文件 31355 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uev40beta19n22to6no102no110.mat
文件 31302 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uev40beta19n22to6no102no110part2.mat
文件 30941 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uev40beta19n32to6no102no110.mat
文件 31457 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uev40beta19n62to6no102no110.mat
文件 31227 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uev40beta19nh2to6no102no110.mat
文件 31127 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uev40beta19nh2to6no102no110part2.mat
文件 31156 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uev40beta19nq2to6no102no110part3.mat
文件 31182 2013-09-10 16:03 HandOverInLTE\dh_uev40beta25n12to6no102no110.mat
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