Biome-BGC is an ecosystem process model that estimates storage and flux of carbon, nitrogen and water. Biome-BGC is a computer program that estimates fluxes and storage of energy, water, carbon, and nitrogen for the vegetation and soil components of terrestrial ecosystems.
Functions called annually from bgc()
Biome-BGC version 4.2 (final release)
See copyright.txt for Copyright information
#include “bgc.h“
int annual_rates(const epconst_struct* epc epvar_struct* epv)
int ok=1;
if (epc->evergreen)
/* leaf and fineroot litterfall rates */
epv->day_leafc_litfall_increment = epv->annmax_leafc * epc->leaf_turnover / 365.0;
epv->day_frootc_litfall_increment = epv->annmax_frootc * epc->froot_turnover / 365.0;
epv->annmax_leafc = 0.0;
epv->annmax_frootc = 0.0;
/* deciduous: reset the litterfall rates to 0.0 for the start of the
next litterfall season */
epv->day_leafc_litfall_increment = 0.0;
epv->day_frootc_litfall_increment = 0.0;
if (epc->woody)
/* live wood turnover rates */
epv->day_livestemc_turnover_increment = epv->annmax_livestemc * epc->livewood_turnover / 365.0;
epv->day_livecrootc_turnover_increment = epv->annmax_livecrootc * epc->livewood_turnover / 365.0;
epv->annmax_livestemc = 0.0;
epv->annmax_livecrootc = 0.0;
return (!ok);
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