Big Data and Machine Learning in Quantitative Investment (Wiley Finance)
By 作者: Tony Guida
ISBN-10 书号: 1119522196
ISBN-13 书号: 9781119522195
Edition 版本: 1
出版日期: 2018-12-17
pages 页数: (296 )
Get to know the ‘why’ and ‘how’ of machine learning and big data in quantitative investment
Big Data and Machine Learning in Quantitative Investment is not just about demonstrating the maths or the coding. Instead, it’s a book by practitioners for practitioners, covering the questions of why and how of applying machine learning and big data to quantitative finance.
The book is split into 13 chapters, each of which is written by a different author on a specific case. The chapters are ordered according to the level of complexity; beginning with the big picture and taxonomy, moving onto practical applications of machine learning and finally finishing with innovative approaches using deep learning.
- Bioinformatics Algorithms: an Active Learning
- Statistical Orbit Determination
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