function [distanceLdistanceGLogLikelihood]=apply_model(TLmeanGmeanCgppcainvCgppcaVtot)
% This function Apply_Model uses the matrices and means from train_model.m
% to calculate the mahalanobis distance to global and local feature
% training data set which are combined to a log Likelihood ratio.
% [distanceLdistanceGLogLikelihood]=apply_model(TLmeanGmeanCgppca invCgppcaVtot)
% inputs
% T: Matrix with all feature vectors from the test data first
% feature vector T(:1)
% G: Matrix with all feature vectors from the global (not) training data
% inputs (from train_model.m)
% Lmean : The mean of the local feature vectors
% Gmean : The mean of the global feature vectors
% Cgppca : Covariance matrix after 3 PCA steps
% invCgppca : Inverse Covariance matrix after 3 PCA steps
% Vtot : The Rotation matrix of the 3 PCA steps% outputs
% outputs
% distanceL : The distance to the local training data set
% distanceG : The distance to the global training data set
% LogLikelihood : The log likelihood of test feature vector to belong to
% the local set.
% In the 3 PCA steps the feature vectors are rotated in a way that
% the Mahalanobis distance to the local set can be deteremined by
% FeatureA‘*FeatureA and to the global set by FeatureA‘*invCgppca*FeatureA.
% FeatureA is the mean substracted and rotated FeatureVector of a certain
% test (image/coordinate).
% Literature : Kroon D.J. and van Oort E.S.B. and Slump C.H. “Multiple
% Sclerosis Detection in Multispectral Magnetic Resonance Images with
% Principal Components Analysis“
% Function is written by D.Kroon University of Twente (July 2009)
for i=1:size(T2)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 2019 2009-07-21 20:18 PCA_classifier_version1b\apply_model.m
文件 4801 2010-02-11 20:01 PCA_classifier_version1b\example_classifier_ms.m
文件 3692 2009-07-21 20:02 PCA_classifier_version1b\get_feature_vectors.c
文件 542 2009-07-21 18:50 PCA_classifier_version1b\get_feature_vectors.m
文件 742746 2008-08-13 18:05 PCA_classifier_version1b\Literature\MICCAI_MS_Challenge_UTwente_Final.pdf
文件 42372 2009-07-21 20:47 PCA_classifier_version1b\TestData\patient3_FLAIR.png
文件 51434 2009-07-21 17:26 PCA_classifier_version1b\TestData\patient3_T1.png
文件 84151 2009-07-21 17:27 PCA_classifier_version1b\TestData\patient3_T2.png
文件 3865 2010-02-11 19:56 PCA_classifier_version1b\train_model.m
文件 69519 2009-07-21 17:09 PCA_classifier_version1b\TrainingData\patient1_FLAIR.png
文件 739 2009-07-21 17:22 PCA_classifier_version1b\TrainingData\patient1_lesion.png
文件 70981 2009-07-21 17:21 PCA_classifier_version1b\TrainingData\patient1_T1.png
文件 82651 2009-07-21 17:22 PCA_classifier_version1b\TrainingData\patient1_T2.png
文件 60989 2009-07-21 20:48 PCA_classifier_version1b\TrainingData\patient2_FLAIR.png
文件 577 2009-07-21 17:25 PCA_classifier_version1b\TrainingData\patient2_lesion.png
文件 68764 2009-07-21 17:24 PCA_classifier_version1b\TrainingData\patient2_T1.png
文件 82603 2009-07-21 17:25 PCA_classifier_version1b\TrainingData\patient2_T2.png
文件 1314 2014-02-12 13:04 license.txt
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