Trampoline is a static RTOS for small embedded systems. Its API is aligned with OSEK/VDX OS and AUTOSAR OS 4.2 standards.
6 platforms are supported by now :
Cortex-M (M0+, M3 and M4 for now) instruction set
Cortex-A (A7) instruction set. This port is under heavy developm
* @file tpl_as_action.c
* @section descr File description
* Trampoline autosar extension. extra action to increment
* a counter. Implementation
* @section copyright Copyright
* Trampoline OS
* Trampoline is copyright (c) IRCCyN 2005-2007
* Autosar extension is copyright (c) IRCCyN and ESEO 2007
* Trampoline and its Autosar extension are protected by the
* French intellectual property law.
* This software is distributed under the Lesser GNU Public Licence
* @section infos File informations
* $Date$
* $Rev$
* $Author$
* $URL$
#include “tpl_as_action.h“
#include “tpl_os_alarm_kernel.h“
#include “tpl_memmap.h“
* action function for action by incrementing counter
FUNC(void OS_CODE) tpl_action_increment_co
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