麻省理工开发实现的chord算法源代码 P2P四大经典算法之一
def str2bigint(s):
a = map(ord s)
v = 0L
for d in a:
v = v << 8
v = v | d
return v
class bigint(long):
def __new__(cls val = None):
if isinstance(val str):
return long.__new__(cls str2bigint(val))
return long.__new__(cls val)
def __hex__(self):
return long.__hex__(self).lower()[2:-1]
def __str__(self):
return hex(self)
def pack_bigint(p v):
a = []
while v > 0:
a.append(chr(v & 0xFF))
v = v >> 8
# Ensure that remote end will decode as posititive
if len(a) and ord(a[-1]) & 0x80:
# Pad out to multiple of 4 bytes.
while len(a) % 4 != 0:
def unpack_bigint(u):
s = u.unpack_opaque()
return bigint(s)
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
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