function [xx_debiasobjectivetimesdebias_startmses]= IST(yAtauvarargin)
%%% IST 迭代阈值方法
% This function solves the convex problem
% arg min_theta = 0.5*|| y - A x ||_2^2 + tau ||x||_1
% using the MM/IST algorithm described in the paper
% M. Figueiredo and R. Nowak “A Bound Optimization Approach
% to Wavelet-based Image Deconvolution“ IEEE International
% Conference on Image Processing - ICIP‘2005 Genoa Italy September 2005.
% Copyright (2007): Mario Figueiredo and Robert Nowak
% ===== Required inputs =============
% y: 1D vector or 2D array (image) of observations
% A: if y and x are both 1D vectors A can be a
% k*n (where k is the size of y and n the size of x)
% matrix or a handle to a function that computes
% products of the form A*v for some vector v.
% In any other case (if y and/or x are 2D arrays)
% A has to be passed as a handle to a function which computes
% products of the form A*x; another handle to a function
% AT which computes products of the form A‘*x is also required
% in this case. The size of x is determined as the size
% of the result of applying AT.
% tau: usually a non-negative real parameter of the objective
% function (see above). It can also be an array the same
% size as x with non-negative entries; in this case
% the objective function weights differently each element
% of x that is it becomes
% 0.5*|| y - A x ||_2^2 + tau^T * abs(x)
% ===== Optional inputs =============
% ‘AT‘ = function handle for the function that implements
% the multiplication by the conjugate of A when A
% is a function handle. If A is an array AT is ignored.
% ‘StopCriterion‘ = type of stopping criterion to use
% 0 = algorithm stops when the relative
% change in the number of non-zero
% components of the estimate falls
% below ‘ToleranceA‘
% 1 = stop when the relative
% change in the objective function
% falls below ‘ToleranceA‘
% 4 = stop when the objective function
% becomes equal or less than toleranceA.
% Default = 3.
% ‘ToleranceA‘ = stopping threshold; Default = 0.01
% ‘Debias‘ = debiasing option: 1 = yes 0 = no.
% Default = 0.
% ‘ToleranceD‘ = stopping threshold for the debiasing phase:
% Default = 0.0001.
% If no debiasing takes place this parameter
% if present is ignored.
% ‘MaxiterA‘ = maximum number of iterations allowed in the
% main phase of the algorithm.
% Default = 1000
% ‘MiniterA‘ = minimum number of iterations performed in the
% main phase of the algorithm.
% Default = 5
% ‘MaxiterD‘ = maximum number of iteration
属性 大小 日期 时间 名称
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
文件 12923 2015-07-23 14:03 twist\IST.m
文件 1353 2015-07-23 14:03 twist\OMP1.m
文件 12693 2015-07-23 14:03 twist\SolveLasso.m
文件 5576 2015-07-23 14:03 twist\SolveStOMP.m
文件 23413 2015-07-23 14:03 twist\TwIST.m
文件 23187 2015-07-23 14:03 twist\TwISTmod.m
目录 0 2015-08-04 08:40 twist
----------- --------- ---------- ----- ----
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